Rasul’Allah ï·º is reported to have said, “Verily, Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, but rather he looks at your hearts and actions.” [1]

Sahl bin 'Abdullah رحمه الله said, "Nothing is more difficult for human nature than being sincere, because it has no share in it." [2]

 Yusuf bin Al-Hussein Ar-Razy رحمه الله said, "Sincerity is the most precious thing in this life. I'm used to striving hard to rid my heart of boastfulness, but unfortunately it appears as if it were planted in it in different color." [3]

Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said, “If you killed greed and abandoned praise and thanks, sincerity would be easy for you” [4]

An-Nakh’ee رحمه الله used to recite the Quraan but whenever someone entered upon him he would immediately cover it (so no one would know his good deed). [5]

Al-Hasan Al-Basree رحمه الله once said, “Men (before) used to forbear shedding their tears whenever their tears began to well up (from their fear of Allaah), and if they feared they would be unable to conceal their tears from being noticed by others, they would leave the place so that no one could see them.” [6]

Ibn al-Mubarak رحمه الله said, “Perhaps a great deed is belittled by a (bad) intention. And perhaps a small deed, by a sincere intention, is made great."
1. Sahih Muslim 2564
2. jamiatul ulum wal Hikm, p. 27. 
3. Ibid., 27.
4. al-fawa’id, p. 251.
5. Kitaab Al-Lataa’if Fil-Waa’iz, p. 86.
6. Ibid.
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