BismilLaahir Rahmaanir Raheem. 

Satan love to make us feel that ALLAH (Al-Kabeer, The Great) will not forgive sins we commit always so no need to seek forgiveness. That's false. ALLAH, The Most MERCIFUL love to forgive without considering your sins and repentance yesterday. Strive to stop your sins and at the same time never stop seeking forgiveness for your sins. 

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of ALLAH, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
A servant committed a sin and he said: O ALLAH, forgive my sin! ALLAH the Exalted says: My servant has committed a sin and he knows he has a Lord who forgives sins and holds him accountable. Then the servant returned to his sin and he said: O ALLAH, forgive my sin! ALLAH says: My servant has committed a sin and he knows he has a Lord who forgives sins and holds him accountable. Then the servant returned to his sin and he said: O ALLAH, forgive my sin! ALLAH said: My servant has committed a sin and he knows he has a Lord who forgives sins and holds him accountable, so do what you will for I have forgiven you.
Source: Sahih Bukhari 7068, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi.

But please fear ALLAH (Al-`Adl, The Utterly Just). Realistically, if you truly fear ALLAH, you will not openly or intentionally disobey HIM and even if you do, you will quickly seek forgiveness without easily going back to same sins bcs you fear HIS punishment. If you fear ALLAH you will definitely do acts that ALLAH loves or seek repentance for those acts ALLAH dislikes and in so doing, earns ALLAH'S forgiveness in shaa Allaah. Let me share this hadith to justify my point. 

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
A man had indulged himself in sin, so when death approached he enjoined his sons saying: When I die you should burn me, pulverize me, and scatter me to the winds over the sea. By A6llah, if ALLAH is capable he will punish me in such a way as he has not punished anyone else. So they did that to him and when he stood before his Lord, ALLAH said to him: What compelled you to do what you did? The man said: Fear and awe of you, O Lord. Thus, ALLAH forgave him due to that.
Source: Sahih Bukhari 7067, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi. Allahu Akbar. *_May ALLAH (Al-Ghafoor, The All Forgiving) have mercy on us and make us among those HE has favoured_*. Aameen.

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