🌴Praise be to Allah Almighty
              *The Boy Who*
       *Tried to Escape Death..2*

Ahmad lay in his bed fast asleep. The time approached Salatul-Thuhur. Suddenly Ahmad woke up from the sudden shaking of his blankets.

*“Ahmad! Wake up!”* His father called as he shook him awake.

“For God Sake! Why? It’s only 1:00pm in the afternoon!” Ahmad called out as he stretched around to stare at his alarm clock.

*“It’s only 1:00pm?!* Are you insane? Almost the whole population is out of bed, and you are acting as it is 6:00am!” His father answered in a shocked tone.

“Why are you waking me up?” Ahmad moaned.

“Because you are coming to the Mosque with me today for prayer. I want you to experience just one Prayer in your life!” His father sternly called.

Ahmad moaned as he struggled to sit up.

“Now, I will be up in two minutes with a cup of cold water to throw over you if you are not out of bed!” His father said as he left Ahmad’s room.

Ahmad stormed off to the bathroom to prepare himself in a fit of rage.

20 minutes later Ahmad and his father were off walking towards the Mosque.

*“Ahmad, I cannot believe you are so angry with the thought of standing before Allah!”* His father said as they walked together.

“I could be at home playing my computer; instead I am tiring myself out by having to stand for 10 hours in boring prayer!” Ahmad moaned.

*“Are you crazy? No Prayer lasts that long, not even half of that time! Now pull yourself together because the way you are storming down this road seems to me you are suffering from constipation!”*

“Dad! Those people must have heard! Yet again you embarrass me!” Ahmad yelled.

“Embarrass you? The way you are composing yourself on this street is humiliating me, your father…Right here we are, now behave yourself for once!”

Ahmad and his father entered the Masjid. His father carefully observed Ahmad as he performed Wudu while trying to teach him the proper steps of performing it.

Ahmad finished the Wudu with the sudden expression on his face seeming as if he had been working all day hard labour!

They both entered the Prayer hall and found a place in the front row. The Muadhdhin called out ‘Iqamah and everyone rose to stand in Prayer before their Lord. They all begun the Salat together with the Imam, and Ahmad stood before his Lord for the first time in his life…

During the Prayer his father heard sounds of sobbing to the left of him! It was his son! A small smile appeared on the fathers face while a sensation passed through his body with pure intentions of happiness that father and son stood side by side before their Lord in humbleness.

After the Prayer Ahamd’s Father looked towards his son and smiled.

*“Masha’Allah my beloved son! You see? Is there anything more beautiful than Prayer? You even cried to Allah!”*

“No, no, no! I cried because I just realised that I left my mobile at home and I promised to call Mo.”

*“WHAT! You ignorant little…”* His father held his composure.

*“You are telling me you cried because you let your friend down, while feeling NOTHING every time you let your Lord down? Let me tell you something! Allah has no need of you or any of us, so you better start acting like you need Him, because one day you WILL need Him!”* His father quietly yelled.

Ahmad’s father got up and stormed outside and stood beneath a large green beautiful tree. He stared towards the ground and cried. The tears rolled down his cheeks and dropped to the floor out of fear and love towards his son.

That day neither father nor son spoke to one another.

Another day gone, another day closer to Ahmad’s death. Nine days remain…

To be continued... In shaa Allah
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