1. Beauty is not a guarantee to marriage
2. Falling Sick does not mean you are about to die.
3. Getting rich is not the definition of prosperity.
4 Building a nice house is not enjoying luxury.
5. Sleeping on an expensive bed does not bring you sound sleep.
6. Driving a new car is not a guarantee that you gonna reach where you are going.
7. Wearing expensive clothes does not guarantee smartness.
8. Owning a family doctor does not guarantee permanent health.
9. Being highly educated is not a sign of wisdom.
10. Marrying a rich guy does not guarantee happy marriage.
11. Winning an argument does not mean that you were correct.
12. Whatever is done without the merit of the Almighty is fake and temporal.
13 He who builds without Allah is building for nothing; & he who watches over a city without Allah, watches in vain.
14. Not everything is possible with man but everything is possible with Allah.
15 Be wise and learn to Involve Allah in everything you do.
Kindly Bless Someone Else today and be blessed back by the Almighty Allah