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صَÙ„َّÙ‰ اللَّÙ‡ُ عَÙ„َÙŠْÙ‡ِ ÙˆَسَÙ„َّÙ…َ.
صَÙ„َّÙ‰ اللَّÙ‡ُ عَÙ„َÙŠْÙ‡ِ ÙˆَسَÙ„َّÙ…َ
صَÙ„َّÙ‰ اللَّÙ‡ُ عَÙ„َÙŠْÙ‡ِ ÙˆَسَÙ„َّÙ…َ

Alhamdulillah hi rab bil aa la mien.

There is none worthy of worship besides Allah.

Allah is Great.

Yaa اللّـه ,Yaa Rahmaan, Yaa Ra Raahiem, Yaa rabbal aa la mien

O اللّـه , O Forgiver, Forgive our sins and rectify our actions, Indeed اللّـه  forgive the sins of whomsoever اللّـه  desire and اللّـه 's  Most Forgiving, Most Merciful Yaa اللّـه.

O اللّـه , Acceptor of repentance, accept our repentance Yaa اللّـه.

O اللّـه Most Gracious, have mercy upon us Yaa اللّـه.

O اللّـه Grantor of pardon, pardon us Yaa اللّـه.

O اللّـه Most Kind, be kind to us Yaa اللّـه.

O اللّـه Our Rab, we are grateful to Thee for the bounties which Thou have bestowed upon us Yaa اللّـه.

Yaa اللّـه we make shukr to Thee Yaa اللّـه for making the hard work of the children who passed rewarding by progressing to a new grade. Those who did not make it Yaa اللّـه give them understanding that this is not the end and that Thou has something better in place for them Yaa اللّـه.

O اللّـه make it easy for the small children who have just started with creche or school Yaa Ø§Ù„Ù„ّـه and make it easy for the parents and teachers alike Yaa Allah.

O اللّـه grant us true conviction, so that we can understand that nothing will afflict us beyond what اللّـه  have decreed and contentment with what اللّـه  have apportioned, Verily اللّـه  have power over everything.

O اللّـه, the Rab of our Master Mohammad صَÙ„َّÙ‰ اللَّÙ‡ُ عَÙ„َÙŠْÙ‡ِ ÙˆَسَÙ„َّÙ…َ ,
so long as Thou keep us alive, save and protect us from such trying situations as are likely to cause us to go astray Yaa اللّـه.

O اللّـه  we beg Thee to grant Shifa to the sick Yaa اللّـه.

O اللّـه give us the strength to worship Thee in the best manner Yaa اللّـه.

O اللّـه we beg Thee to strengthen our Imaan which is firmly embedded in our heart's Yaa اللّـه.

Yaa اللّـه we beg Thee for forgiveness for the deceased Yaa اللّـه and we beg Thee Yaa اللّـه to place lots and lots of sabr in the hearts of the family who have lost their beloved ones Yaa اللّـه.

O اللّـه grant the deceased and all of us protection from Jahannam and enter us into Jannah tul Firdoze Yaa اللّـه.

Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen Yaa Kareem.

Hasbunallah wanie'mal wakeel nie' mal moula wa nie' man nasier wa la ghoula wa la koew wata iella biellah hiel alie yiel athiem.

Hasbunallahu laa ilaaha illaahu wa alayhie tawakkaltu wahuwa rabbul arshil athiem.

Rabbanaa aatinaa fiddunyaa hasanataw wa fil aakhirati hasanataw wa qinaa adhaaban naar.     

Allaahumma innaka afuwwun karim tuhib bul'afwa fa'fu anna.

Sub haana rab bika Rab bil Iz zati Amma Yassi foon Was salaam mun Alal Mursaleen Wal ham du lil la hir Rab bil Aa la meen.

آمــــــــــين آمـــــــ
ـــين   Ø¢Ù…يـــن يا أرحــم الراحميـن Ùˆَ ÙŠَارَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِين
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