BismilLaahir Rahmaanir Raheem. 

The miracles that were given to the previous prophets and Messengers were such that they would have the greatest impact on that particular nation and those times ONLY. The people at the time of Moses (peace be upon him) excelled in magic and sorcery, so he was given miracles which surpassed all their abilities, as a proof of his prophethood. The people at the time of Issah, Jesus (peace be upon him) excelled in healing and medicine, and he was accordingly given appropriate miracles for that time by ALLAH to proof to them he was sent as a Prophet to them that's why he always said by the permission of my Lord as he has no powers by himself. The people at the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) were masters of language and eloquence - he was sent to them with the Quran with language is the best and eloquent till date.  

The powerful effect it had on its listeners, who were skilled practitioners in the art of rhetoric, was unsurpassable till date. It's a living miracle. Few could help but be enchanted by it. It changed the entire Arab Peninsula and still changing the entire world till judgement day. 

Because it is the direct speech of ALLAH the Mighty GOD, it is able to connect with the soul for those who sincerely decide to study it. How can anyone memorize such a volume of pages without missing a dot? That alone is a challenge for anyone or group of people to be able to emulate. Write your own book say just 20 pages. Try to memorize your own words and story of only the 20 pages then you will notice Qur'an is not just a book or words but rather something that connect with the soul. It contains true story of the past, present and future. It contains all sorts of rules and regulations to make human being the perfect for this earth and to guide for the hereafter. It's a map to Paradise so let's study it well. 

May ALLAH increases us in beneficial knowledge of the Qur'an and protect us from the Coronavirus. Aameen.
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