
A female prostitute can cause more harm to a society than what a nuclear bomb can do.
If you want to destroy any nation without war, just make zina and nudity the order of the day.
This statement was attributed to solahudeen al ayubi rahimahullah.
Either he is the one that said so or not, the statement itself is a fact.
This is not to say "women" in general are the problem of the world, but only a section of them are destructive to the morals of a society, this group among them are the prostitutes and halfnaked ones who corrupt people and entice people to obscenity.
As for the real muslim women, they are even the homemakers and builders of a sane society.
The very first person to embrace this noble deen was a woman, the first to pray behind d prophet was a woman, the first to die for it was a woman, so the chaste muslim women are not harmful to a society.
When you go back to history, you will find out that the traps of women have led many men astray.
1)The prophet sallalahu alayhi wassalam said,
If not for bani isra'eel, meat wouldn't spoil, and if not for hawa alayha salam, women wouldn't have been betraying their husbands (sahih bukhari).
2)The first sin that was ever committed on earth was because of a woman, vis a vis, the story of qabeel and abeel.
3)Prophet yusuf alayhi salam was imprisoned because of a woman for years, even though he was innocent.
4)The wife of Nuh and Lut disebelieved even they were the wives of the best of mankind.
5)Imam al juryyi was a devout worshipper, later he had to commit zina, murder and shirk all because of a woman.
6)One of the things that led to d death of our beloved prophet sallalahu alayhi wassalam was because of a sheep's meat he ate ate khaibar which was poisoned by a jewess.
7)If you know about the fitnah of the tartars/mongols, it was a tragic event which finished muslims in buqhara, baghdad, samarqand, jordan and other places because the muslims there were carried away by worldly accumulations and women.
9)If you go back to the history of world war 1, you will discover that the issue of a woman was part of its cause.
10)It was narrated in the story of the fall of islam in egypt, that when the unbelievers tried their best to attack islam in egypt, islam only waxed stronger, so a man got a number of prostitutes on a ship and sailed them to egypt to go and corrupt its people.
When he was asked,
What are you using this prostitutes for?
He said, they are more dangerous to a society than bombs and missiles.
All this and more are the reasons why the issue of women can destroy a society.
Allah said,
Verily, the tricks of shaitan is very weak.
Azeez in the Quran in the story of prophet yusuf said:
"Truly, the tricks of you women is very great. (Yusuf vs 28)
From this two verses, the scholars made their deductions that the tricks of women is greater than that of shaitan.
The half-naked women are now the movers and shakers of our society, they occupy various positions:
-the journalists and newscasters are mainly naked women
-the teachers in schools are mostly naked women.
-the staffs of petrol pump stations are uncovered women.
-the receptionists of organizations are exposed women.
-the airhostess are mainly women.
-the restaurant cooks and chefs are mainly women.
-the markets are filled with uncovered women.
-products and items are filled with pictures of naked women.
-when any mobile network provider wants to advertise SIM cards, they use female dancers
-calendars and posters are filled with pictures of women.
-movie industries are filled with unchaste women.
So how can there be sanityn decency and morality in a nation like ours?
Do you know how many virginities will be given out as xmas and new year gifts to randy men?
Do you know how many unwanted preg emanate from valentine's day?
The only solution to all this is ISLAM.
Only islam can inculcate modesty, shyness and concealement in women.
A bomb can merely destroy the existing people, but half naked women will destroy the existing people and their future lineage.
So women can make a nation and can also break a nation
Civilizations uses women as a tool to destroy the sanity of a generation!
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