Hijab Vs Law School; Another Crisis Brewing
By Rasheed Abubakar
I can authoritatively confirm that Bar Part II female Muslim students of the Nigerian Law School may not be allowed to wear the Hijab ahead of the 2017/2018 First Term Law Dinner, which starts today, Tuesday, February 13 across the six (6) Law School campuses across the nation.
The Dinners will run till Thursday, February 15, 2018.
There was a reported case of six Muslim Sisters at the Agbani, Enugu campus, who are being threatened not to wear the Hijab. Sources also confirmed another case at the VI, Lagos campus and the Abuja campus, where Muslim ladies have been advised not to appear in the Hijab for the Law Dinner, which kicks off today at exactly 4pm.
Expectedly, they may however be allowed to wear the Hijab at the other campuses, particularly Adamawa, Bayelsa and Kano, based on religious tolerance and recognition of the rights of the Bar students.
Interestingly, there is no where in the circular issued by the Council of Legal Education (CLE) where it is categorically stated that the Hijab is prohibited!
The "regulation wear" as stated in two separate versions of notices informing the students of the Law Dinner, reads thus: "For males; black suit, white shirt, plain black tie (not bow tie), black socks, black cover shoes (sandals are not allowed) and white breast pocket handkerchief."
Ladies are to wear plain black skirt (below the knee), black suit, white shirt (with a warning that "there should be no frills, glitters, embroidery and/or trimmings of any type)"
According to the dress code, ladies are free to wear black cover shoes with the exception of sandals, lace ups or peep toes, which are glaringly prohibited. Only moderate jewelry should be worn, stressing that, no large dangling or coloured earrings or bracelets are allowed. Also, hair attachments, braids, glitters or colouring of any type on the hair are prohibited.
As for weave-on, the Council stated in the circular that it is permitted "only if it looks natural, packed and undetectable", adding that, although, "coloured weave-on is prohibited."
The circular doesn't prohibit the Hijab!
I have a copy of the circular. There is no where the Hijab is forbidden. If it is not allowed, it would have been specifically stated, like it was in the case of other prohibited dress types.
Then, who is behind this illegal and unlawful move to deprive the innocent Muslim Sisters their Allah-given and constitutional rights? If they are so denied, it will amount to flagrant violation of human rights and an affront to the constituted authorities, more so, when the National Assembly is already looking into the issue
Where are the human rights activists? Where are the Muslim influencers? Muslim individuals and organisations? Verily, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. Qur'an 13: 11.
What is the Presidency and the lawmakers doing to stop this madness? Why are those who are entrusted with the training of future lawyers championing the very violation of the Fundamental Human Rights of helpless and defenseless Nigerians?
Let the Nigerian media investigate this story and unravel the real reasons behind the flagrant violation of laws by the those who are supposed to be the custodians of the same law.
- Rasheed Abubakar is a journalist and the author of "Hijab and the Nigerian Press". Email: rawshield

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