*💢 The Term Ibadaah*
Part - 7
❖❐ Having thus clarified categorically that all who are worshiped besides Allah in any form were or are no more than His creatures and slaves with no power or authority of their own at all,
💢 the Qur'an demands of all human beings and jinns that ibadaah must, in whatever form it take, be reserved exclusively for Allah. All bondage, submission, and worship should be to or of Him alone, and there should not be even the slightest semblance of these for anyone else:
💠 "And We sent a messenger to every people with the message that they give their ibadaah to Allah and forbear from giving it to Taghout." [an-Nahl 16/36];
💠 "Good tidings are for those who turned away from the ibadaah of Taghout, and turned to Allah instead." [az-Zumar 39/17];
💠 "Did I not enjoin upon you, O sons of Adam, not to give your ibadaah to Satan, for he is an open enemy to you, but to give it to Me instead and that is the straight path?" [Ya-Sin 36/60-61];
💠 "They made their learned men and praises into Rabbs, although they were not bidden except to give their ibadaah to Allah alone." [at-Tawbah 9/31];
💠 "O you who believe! If yon have really made your ibadaah exclusive for Us, then eat without hesitation of the clean and good things We have bestowed upon you, and render gratitude to Allah." [al-Baqarah 2/172]
💢 In these verses the ibadaah which is ordered to be reserved exclusively for Allah is that which amounts to bondage or slavery and submission and obedience,
💢 and the implication clearly is that men are being told to forbear giving their submission and obedience to Taghout, to Satan, to the priests and rabbis, and to fathers and forefathers, and to give it instead to Allah alone:
💠 "Say (O Prophet): Forbidden it is for me to give my ibadaah to those to whom you call instead of Allah. Clear signs have I received from my Lord, and I have eke been bidden to bow to the Will of the Lord of all the Worlds." [Ghafir 40/66];
💠 "And your Rabb has said: Call to Me, and I shall hear your prayer and as for those who go against My Commands, they will surely be flung into (the fire) of hell." [Ghafir 40/60];
💠 "This is Allah, the Rabb of all of you. All Power is His alone, and as for those you call to others than Him, they do not own any power; if you call to them, they do not listen to your prayer, and if they could listen they would not be able to respond, and on the Day of Judgment they will simply repudiate your association of them with Allah!" [Fatir 35/13-14];
💠 "Say (O Prophet): Do you give ibadaah to those, other than Allah who have power to do you neither harm nor good, (whereas) Allah alone is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing." [al-Ma'idah 5/76]
💢 In these verses the emphasis is on making ibadaah exclusive for Allah, in the sense of worship, and there is also evidence that the sending up of prayers to someone is also an act of ibadaah,
💢 while the verses that precede and follow those quoted above speak of these supposed gods who were treated as co-sharers with Allah in His rububiyyah in the supernatural sense.
Salis ~kura
@ *Miftahul ilmi*