Kasuwan Magani and threat to Security in Kaduna State

Kasuwan Magani and threat to Security in Kaduna State.

It is unfortunate that we as people have continued to shed blood without any iota of regret or remorse from those of us who are responsible for such acts. For as long those of us responsible for these continued inhumanity are left without been punished for such actions, these irresponsibilities and dastardly acts shall continue unabated.
It was reported that on the market day in Kasuwan Magani someone stole and as he was been pursued,he ran to his kith and kins claiming religious and tribal victimization which consequences unfortunately led to the dead of over 50 persons. Unfortunately most of those who lost their lives where people from different towns who came to mark the market day of the town and sadly died without knowing why and what they died for. Most of them their relatives are yet to know they are dead.

This afternoon at another market in Kujama a town not far from Kasuwan Magani, was attacked by bees making people to run out of the market. Unfortunately as people were running out of the market because of bees, rumour mongers linked it to the unfortunate incident of Kasuwan Magani, leading to attack of innocent people in and around Kaduna. Miscreants started looting and attacking passerby’s which unfortunately led to loss of lives and property.
Thank God the situation has been brought under control with the prompt deployment of security agencies and introduction of curfew and the embarking of massive enlightenment by the authorities on the true story of things.
There is need for us as a people to try and engender peaceful coexistence by monitoring our wards and resisting fake news circulation.
It is sad that we have become so segregated and divided that we only see the bad side of each other and living a live that is driven by fear and suspicion. Unfortunately the youth who are used in committing these dastardly acts are mostly in their teens and twenties. 
In the aftermath of the 1992 ethnic/religious crisis of Zangon Kataf and Kaduna environs, the state was sharply decided along religious lines and most of these youths since birth have grown knowing only one side of the story that encourages hatred tribal or religious bigotry.
Very few of them have been brought up to appreciate and understand our diversity as a people.
A child who is 25 today, wether Muslim or Christian knows little about the other, as he has spend his or her whole formative years with only people of his or her faith. Those of us who had the opportunities of inter and Intra tribal or religious upbringing are today unfortunately the architects of this dichotomy and hatred enshrined in these youths.
I come from Zangon Kataf and I know the horror of communal crisis driven by religion and tribal bigotry and that is why we as a people in that area would by God grace never ever allow such calamity visit our people again. Other communities who think there is winner and loser in such crisis should find out from those that have suffered it. The scars are there in Zonkwa, Zangon Kataf and other unfortunate communities in southern kaduna.
Let us note that no people can ever live in isolation of others. It is our diversity that makes us stronger and better communities. The Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba and others minority tribes have knowledge and skills which God has endowed them with, which when harnessed make us greater when we accept these diversities for the progress and development of our common humanity. The massive progress of most developed nations of today is the harnessing of these diversities. The earlier we note that there is nothing like mono societies anywhere in the present world the better for our development and progress as a people.
We were all at one time settlers in the places we currently claim monopoly.
May Allah give us the will and courage to see the truth, speak and live it.
May the souls of the departed Rest In Peace and God grant their families the fortitude to bear their losses.
To those evil men who are bent on destroying our humanity, oh Allah if they are the repentant type, forgive them and guide them aright and if they are not please protect us from their evil. Amen.

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