Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. 

ALHAMDULILLAH for blessing us with another Friday, the best day of the week in the best day of the month. Let's strive to make it a special day each week as taught by the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Remember to recite Qur'an chapter 18 suuratul Kahf in particular, not only by reciting but by studying it's beautiful meaning. Prepare for your eid clothing this morning, cut your nails and clear your private parts, recite more salutations to the Prophet(salaatu Alan Nabi), Men should put on their perfume and take your purification bath (ghusul) as follows;

Say BismilLah after your intention in mind for taking this ghusul either for jumuat, after sexual intercourse, for eid, after child birth etc, wash your private parts well, then perform wudoo as normal as we do for Salaat then wash your entire body from head to toe preferably by washing right side of your body first then to the left. You can take your normal bath with soap before your ghusul. After that then recite the Dua we recite after wudoo which is "Ash-hadu an laa ilaha illa Allah, wahdahu, laa shareeka lah, wa ash-hadu anna muhammadan a’abduhu warasooluhu. Allahummaj ‘alni, minuthawaabeena waj’alnee, minal mutathahireen. Meaning
O Allah, make me of those who return to You often in repentance and make me of those who remain clean and pure.

Perform your 4 rakaats sunnah at home and when you enter the masjid just offer two rakaats then start your Zikir till Imam comes. As soon as Imam says Assalaamu Alaikum warahmatullah on the mimbar please stay attentive to listen to the khutbah without playing with your phone, talking to someone etc. Be attentive even if you don't understand what the Imam is saying please. *_May ALLAH accept our acts of worship and forgive our shortcomings_*. Aameen.

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