You're a Muslim, always be a Muslim.
People may call you extremist, but no
don't ever leave even a single Salah, no matter wherever you're.
People may call you fool, but no you don't have to mix freely with the opposite gender.
People may think you're over reacting, but avoid music anyway.
Girls may think you've too much attitude, but know that your religion is more important for you- Do not chat with them unnecessarily. (and vice-versa)
Whatever people may say, Islam should be your first priority (In shaa Allaah). People will have something to say anyway- but know that this life is only temporary, and you'll be asked about your own deeds, not their's. You've to prepare for the next life, In shaa Allaah.
"O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy." [Al-Qur'an 2:208]
May Allaah guide us, and make us practice on whatever true knowledge of Islam we have. Aamiiiiiiin Yaa Rabb! 
Please pray for my guidance and success..All people have the custom of greeting one another, and every group has its own distinctive greeting that distinguishes them from other people.

The Arabs used to greet one another with the words “An’im sabaahan ” or “ An’imu sabaahan ” [equivalent to “Good morning” Translator], using words derived from “al-ni’mah”, which means good living after the morning. The idea was that because the morning is the first part of the day, if a person encounters something good in the morning, the rest of the day will be good too.All people have the custom of greeting one another, and every group has its own distinctive greeting that distinguishes them from other people.

The Arabs used to greet one another with the words “An’im sabaahan ” or “ An’imu sabaahan ” [equivalent to “Good morning” Translator], using words derived from “al-ni’mah”, which means good living after the morning. The idea was that because the morning is the first part of the day, if a person encounters something good in the morning, the rest of the day will be good too.

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