How would you talk to your brother if you knew that would be your last time of hearing from him?

How would you treat your sister if you are certain you would never see her again?

What kind of words would you use on your mother or your father if you would be speaking to any of them for the last time in your life?

What would be your last word before you hang the phone finally on a friend if he or she was going to die the next hour?

What's going to be your attitude on that person you call an enemy if his or her life was about to end?

How will you be addressing the world if you were to make your last and final speech today?

What would be the urgent amendment you would make today in your life if this was to be your last opportunity?

What prayers would you be praying if you were to say your last prayers this minute?

Can't you see we would treat one another better, kinder and with more understanding if we should consider these questions more critically?

Can't you see that our world would be a better place to live in if we would be more merciful to one another, less judgemental and more helpful to our neighbors?

Please, let's us all check our selves on a regular basis....

God bless you all

Enjoy the rest of the evening.
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