ASOF - 2021


Gabatarwar-Abdulrashid Abdullahi, Kano

Some condition or qualifications required for voting

Wasu yanayi ko cancantar da ake buƙata don zaɓe

1- Shekaru 2- dan kasa 3- Rijista
4- tsabtar hankali 5- Mazauni

Abubuwan cancantar mutum na siffar Adalci

 1- Akwai daidaito wajen kada kuri'a (mutum daya kuri'a daya)
2- yana sanya cikakken sahun dukkan Dan ƙasa masu ƙwarewa
3- wakilai fitattu ne zababbu
4- tsarin bai dace da nuna wariya ba
5- shi ne dimokiradiyya da Tsarin Mulki
6- yana sanya asamu halattaciyar gwamnati

Rashin cancantar daukar mutum na adalci

1- yawancin masu jefa kuri'a na iya rashin ilimin siyasa.
2-yawancin masu jefa kuri'a jahilai ne kuma suna iya yin zabe a makance
3- tsarin yana fuskantar matsalar magudin zabe.
4- an bayyana shi ne ga cin zarafi da tsoratar da abokan adawar siyasa
5- wakilan da aka zaba bazai kasance wakilai na gaske ba

 Ire-iren zaben

1- Zabe na manya: wannan shine zaben manya (maza da mata) tare da cancantar da ake bukata
2- zabar maza: - tsari ne wanda maza manya zasu iya yin zabe
3-masu biyan haraji sun cika doka: wadanda suke biyan harajinsu zasu iya zabe.
4- ikon mallakar kadarori: wadancan mutane masu dukiya suna da izinin yin zabe

1- Age 2- citizenship 3- Registration
4- sanity 5- Residences

Merits of Universal Adult suffrage

 1- There is equality of voting (one man one vote)
2- it makes for full participation of All qualified citizens
3- the representatives are popular elected
4- the system does not accommodate discrimination
5- it is democratic and Constitutional
6- it makes for a legitimate government

Demerits of Universal Adult suffrage

1- the majority of voters may lack political education.
2- the majority of the voters are illiterates and may vote blindly 
3- the system is prone to electoral malpractices.
4- it is proned to victimization and intimidation of political opponents 
5- the elected representatives may not be truly representatives

 Types of suffrage

1- Adult suffrage: this is the voting of adult (men and women) with the necessary qualifications
2- male suffrage:- it is a system where only adult men can vote 
3- tax payers suffrage : those paying their taxes can only vote .
4- property suffrage: those people with emormoy assets and wealth are allowed to vote
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