ASOF - 2021


Gabatarwar-Abdulrashid Abdullahi, Kano

Zabe ita ce zabar 'yan takarar da za su wakilci mutanen wata kasa a majalisar dokoki, bangaren zartarwa da kuma yiwuwar zuwa wasu yankuna

Ayyukan zabe

1- canza gwamnati ya yiwu
2- wakilan da aka zaba suna da halattacciyar dama
3- akwai zabi na shuwagabanni
4- yana tabbatar da kulawa da hisabi
5- yana bunkasa dimokiradiyya
6 - yana ilimantar da masu zabe
7- yana maida zababbiyar gwamnati halal
8- ana amfani dashi don auna ra'ayin mutane akan al'amuran kasa
9 - zabe na inganta gasa tsakanin jam’iyyu
10- akwai daidaiton kuri'u

Rashin cancantar zaɓe

1- Raba kasar zuwa kungiyoyin adawa.
2- yana iya haifar da rashin hadin kai a kasar
3-barnatar da kudi
4- magudin zabe na iya kawo mutane masu shakku
5- yana iya haifar da ci gaban kasa ba daidai ba
6- mafi kyawun kayan aiki bazai shiga cikin gudanarwa ba
7- zabuka sun mayar da wasu kungiyoyi baya a cikin al'umma

Election is the act of electing candidates to represent the people of a given country in the parliament, the executive and possibly into other areas

Functions of elections

1- change of government is made possible
2- elected representatives have legitimate right
3- there is free choices of leaders
4- it ensures control and accountability
5- it fosters democracy 
6 - it educates the electorate
7- it makes the elected government legitimate
8- it is used to measure peoples opinion on national issues
9 - election promotes competition among parties 
10- there is equality of votes

Demerits of election

1- Division of the country into antagonistic groups.
2- it can cause disunity in the country
3- it is waste of funds
4- rigging of elections may bring in dubious people
5- it may produce uneven development of a country
6- best materials may not be involved in the administration
7- elections marginalize some groups in the society

Abdulrashid Abdullahi musa
2-April -2021
Phone 09067298607
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