ASOF - 2021
Gabatarwar-Abdulrashid Abdullahi, Kano
Public Administration
Gudanar da Jama'a
Ma'aikatan gwamnati: - kungiya ce ko sashe a bangaren zartarwa na Gwamnati, tare da baiwa bangaren zartarwa na siyasa goyon baya wajen tsarawa da aiwatar da manufofin gwamnati
Halayen ma'aikatan gwamnati
1- rashin nuna bambanci 2- dorewa
3 - Rashin suna 4- Tsaka tsaki
5- Kwarewa 6 - cancanta
Tsarin aikin gwamnati
1- ajin karatun: - wannan rukunin ya hada da sakatarorin dindindin (Darakta Janar) mataimakin sakatarorin sakatare, manyan hafsoshi da sauransu suna ba ministocin ko kwamishinoni shawara
2- ajin masu sana'a: -da yawa ana daukar su a matsayin kwararru na bangarori daban-daban misali lauya, likitoci, injiniyoyi da sauransu
3- bangaren zartarwa: - manyan jami'ai ne, jami'ai masu zartarwa, mataimakan malami, masanin rubutu, da sauransu suna canza fayiloli daga tebur daya zuwa wancan e.t.c
4- ajin manzanni: - yawanci sune masu tsafta, manzanni, direbobi dss
Aikin gwamnati
1- tsara manufofi
2- aiwatar da manufofi
3- shirya kasafin kudi
4- suna yiwa gwamnati nasiha
5- suna samar da kwanciyar hankali
6- suna shirya amsar tambayoyin majalisa
7- suna sanar da mutane
8- ajiyar takardu
9 - suna tsara kudi.
10- suna yin dokar bye
The civil service:- is a body or department in the executive arm of Government, assiting the political executive in the planning and implementation of government policies
Characteristics of the civil service
1- impartiality 2- permanence
3 - Anonymity 4- Neutrality
5- Expertise 6 - merit
The structure of the civil service
1- the admintrative class:- this class includes permanent secretaries (Director Generals) deputy parmanent secretaries , principal officers e.t.c they advise the ministers or commissioners
2- the professional class :-they are mainly recruited as professionals of different categories example lawyer, doctors, engineers e.t.c
3- the executive class :- they are senior executives, executive officers , clerical assistant ,typist, e.t.c they move files from one desk to the other e.t.c
4- messengerial class :- they are mostly cleaners, messengers, drivers etc
Function of the civil service
1- formulation of policies
2- implementation of policies
3- preparation of the budget
4- they advise the government
5- they provide stability
6- they prepare answer to parliamentary questions
7- they inform the people
8- keeping of documents
9 - they drafts bills.
10- they make bye-laws
Abdulrashid Abdullahi Musa
11/April/2021 phone : 09067298607