
Imam Muslim May ALLAH be pleased with him narrated that The Messenger of ALLAH (sal Allahu alaihi wasallam) said: “He is successful who has accepted Islam, who has been provided with sufficient for his wants and been made contented by ALLAH with what HE has given him.

Nowadays when people say, ‘So so and so is very successful’ what they mean is, ‘He/she is making a lot of money or wealth.’ In the above mentioned hadith ALLAH (subhana wa ta’ala) explains who qualifies to be called successful. It’s not having Car X, House in W and Job Z but rather anyone who accept and practice Islam as His/her way of life. Someone who find something to eat and healthy and someone who Posses a thankful heart. Meaning we must try to appreciate the little we have as Muslims and look at those below us not those above us then praise ALLAH regularly for granting us success over the forces of evil. Visit any hospital today and tell me if you are ready to exchange your good health to the rich man lying down in the small hospital bed for his entire wealth, obviously no isn't it? Please say Alhamdulillah regardless of your situation bcs millions are worse than you and maybe they are more pious than you and me. *_May ALLAH grant us understanding of HIS creation and make us among those who are thankful to HIM_*. Aameen.
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