The term Rabb and Rububiyyah of Allah (azza wajal) 01

💠The term Rabb and Rububiyyah of Allah (azza wajal)

 Part - 1 👈

❖❐ The General Meanings :

❐ The three radicals of this word are the letters (r,b,b) and the basic meaning is to bring up. If we take into account the wider meaning of the root word and its various derivatives, we find that it has following connotations:

1 - One who brings up, rear, fosters or nourishes, or is responsible for doing all or one or more than one of these;

2- Guardian, patron; one who supervises or is responsible for carrying out improvements;

3 - One who occupies a central or focal position, who himself gathers people round himself of his own or round whom people gather out themselves;

4 - Leader, head, chief, or lord; one whose word is obeyed, and whose supremacy or over-lordship acknowledged, and who has authority to dispose of men or things;

5- Owner; master.

💠 Qur'anic Uses of the Word

❐ In the Qur'an the word is used in all of the above meanings, sometimes in only one sense, sometimes is in two, and sometimes in more, or even all the five, as the following examples will show.

❐ Within the first meaning of Rabb: "And Yusuf (alaihe wa sallam) said (to Potiphar's wife, when she tried to seduce him): May Allah forbid! He is my Rabb Who has provided handsomely for me (and I shall not behave as an ingrate sinner." 
[Yusuf 12/23] 

 Within the second meaning of Rabb which also indicates the first meaning: 

 "And Ibrahim said to his people: (These gods whom you worship) they are enemies to me; not so Allah, the Rabb of all the worlds, Who created me, Who gives me guidance, Who gives me food and drink, and Who, when I am ill, restores me to health." [ash-Shura 26/77-80] ; 

 "And there is not any good thing except that it comes from Allah, and whenever any mishap befalls you , it is to Him you turn in your distress; but when He has removed it, there are those among you who associate others with their Rabb (as having also contributed to your provision or health)." [an-Nahl 16/53-54] ; 

 "Ask them (O Prophet): Should I seek any rabb other than Allah and He the Rabb of all creation?" [al-Anam 6/165]; 

 "He is the Rabb of the East and the West; there is no deity but He, and so take Him as the ultimate Disposer and Arbiter of all your affairs." [al-Muzzammil 73/9] 

 Within the third meaning of Rabb: "He is the Rabb of all of you, and it is unto Him that you shall return." [Huud 11/34]; 
 "And then shall your return be to your Rabb." [az-Zumar 39/7]; 

❖ "Say (O Prophet) Our Rabb will gather and then decide between us, your group, and ours together.' [Saba 34/26] ;

 "And there is not an animal in the world, or a bird which flies on two wings but all form parts of communities like you; We have not omitted any detail about them in the Book of destiny; and they too will all be gathered unto their Rabb." [al-Anam 6/38]; 

 "And the Trumpet shall be sounded when, behold, they will all rush out from their graves (or wherever their "Last Remains" be) towards their Rabb." [Ya-Sin 36/51] 

 Within the fourth meaning of Rabb which also indicates the third meaning: 

 "They (the Jews and the Christians) made their scribes and their monks their rabbs instead of Allah." [at-Tawbah 9/31] ; 

 "And (let us also agree that) let not either of us (that is either you the people of the Book, or we, the Muslims) take anyone other than Allah to be our rabb." [Al-i Imran 3/64] 

❐ In the last two verses, the actual word used in the original is arbab, which is the plural of rabb, and which is employed in respect of those religious leaders, etc., whom different people had raised to the position of final authority, 
❐ whose word was unquestioningly accepted as law, and who were regarded as having, so to say, a sovereign, inherent right to lay down what might, or might not, be done.

❖ "(And Yusuf said to his two fellow prisoners): As to one of you he (will be freed and reinstated and) will (again) serve his rabb (lord, master) as wine bearer...

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