In recent times, there is ploriferation of security stop and search/ check points in most of the states in Nigeria. This is attributed to the present security state of the nation. 
Members of the public are strongly advised to take note of the following:
1. For your own good whenever law enforcement agents (men in uniform) stop a vehicle you boarded, stay calm, avoid hissing and grumbling. Whether you are a man or a woman,
respect them.

2. Please take the receipt of your laptop original or photocopy , anywhere you go if you must carry it.

3. If you don't have means of identification from your school or work, get at least a national ID card or driver's licence. It is crucial.

4. Delete all your bank alerts and transfer sensitive information into a flash drive or memory card. Keep your financial transactions away from your phone. 

5. Carrying more than one ATM card may bring serious problem for you in our present day Nigeria be warned.

6. If you must move at night no matter how close to your house, take your ID card and let someone go with you.

7. Dress responsibly -it will save you. Looking rugged and wild may earn you serious trouble. 

8. If you are given car to go for an errand . Make sure all documents are correct and up- to- date. Also your licence to be in place as a young man before you hit the road.

9. When your car is being searched don't just look away in anger. They are doing their job. Just
Pay close attention to what's going on, to avoid had I known.

10. If you are not sure of what someone is carrying in a bag pack or sack. Please ask before accepting to give the person a ride. You may be arrested for what you don't know about.

11. Any stranger you decide to give a ride, when the person comes down, move forward a little. Park and Search your car before you continue. To avoid incriminating objects left behind.

May God secure us and keep us safe.
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