Because Your Silence MEANS A LOT

Because your silence is one of the proofs that you love her, means you respect your own self. The girl that you love is a person that Allaah probably has chosen for you. Just like the story of Ali and Faatimah. Both of them kept their love in their heart but finally they came together in a gorgeous sacred wedlock. There is a POWER in your silence, the power of your hope. Then maybe Allaah will make your hope become real. Allaah won't break the hopes of His servant that always relies on Him. But, if your silent love has no chance to become real, let it always keep silent. If she is not your destiny, Allaah will remove your love for her with time and He will replace your feeling with a better feeling for the RIGHT person. Let your silent love be a SECRET between you and the One Who possess the hearts. When that love comes up, ask your heart, whom that feeling is for. If that feeling is for the sake of Allaah, then let it flow 'cause beneath it all, it begins from Allaah and goes to Allaah. Love her in silence from a distance with SIMPLICITY and SINCERITY
"Whoever defends the honor of others, his honor will be defended."

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