Cooking is a school where women will never graduate from till death. An average female start sweeping from the age of 3 and starts cooking from the age of 9 while an average male starts complaining about salty food from the age of 6.
Cooking is undoubtedly a task for the women but it shouldn't be taken so hard on them as if its the 6th pillar of islam. Being good in cooking several meals is not a ticket to jannah and being poor in many meals is not a ticket to hell. So, husbands should not be surprised that, as much as they want young teenage virgins in marriage, your new sweet-16 bride may only know how to cook indomie and yam. Before you scream at her, remember you married her early, she needs more years to learn many delicacies. Its not haram for you to teach her how to make grains (g/corn, maize, rice, etc) food, & eba too.
Many husbands today will never say "jazakillahu khairan my sweetheart for the tantalizing pounded yam", but they are always quick to complain that the rice is salty by saying:
"Did you use salt to cook rice or you used rice to cook salt?"
This is a woman who cooks 3 times in a day, 21 times in a week, 84 times in a month and more than 1000 times in a year.
She does this every year till she dies, no breaks, no leaves, no holidays and no retirements.
A kind word is the least you could have given her. She even deserves over-time pay for her over-time job. If you didn't give her compliments for all her perfect meals, then don't complain when she makes mistakes too.
Some men be like:
Practice makes perfect, why should she still be making mistakes when she has been cooking the same meals for several years?
Really, young man, why do you still make spelling errors when you have been writing for several years?
Women too are humans, they silently wish you assist them in the kitchen attimes too, some women silently wish they would return from work one day and meet the chores done, the floors swept, an empty sink and a clean house. One morning, wake up before her, tip-toe out of the room quietly, make a hot tea, fry some eggs, get some fruits, boil yams or get some bread, gather them in a tray and drop it beside her bed and wake her up with a tender peck. When she opens her gorgeous eyes, quickly blind-fold her, carry her from the bed straight to the bathroom, brush her smelling mouth for her, lol. Carry her back to the room, remove her blindfolds and serve her the breakfast, I promise you, she will go mad about you.
The prophet salallahu alayhi wassalam said,
When your slave serves you food, make him eat with you or atleast let him take a spoon, for he went through hardship, sweat and pains to make the meal (sahih al bukhari).
If this is how we should appreciate our slave's efforts, how about our wives?
What a moment of reflection!!!!
Its not funny, when a woman trecks far distances, gets fire wood, conveys them on her head all the way home, cuts them with an axe, lowers her head, raises her buttocks to make fire, spend several hours inhaling smoke, blowing the fire, sweating, smelling smoke, grinding pepper, pounding yam and when she serves you atlast, you simply say:
"Your soup is too salty, am not eating, good night".
Mr. man, do not hurt the heart that loves you.
Whoever is not thankful to people is not thankful to Allah.
Yet such a husband does not even know how to kill (slaughter) a chicken properly, if you force him to peel onions and you see his teary eyes, you would think he is coming from a burial ceremony.
   Appreciate your wife's food, bcos some people don't have a wife, others don't have

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