*How to get your Dua accepted quickly.* 

Dua in its nature has many secrets, here are some of the secrets of Dua:

1. Make sure you are in a state of attention and attentiveness.

2. Before asking Allah your wish, first make salawat to the prophet PBUH, then seek forgiveness through istigfar.

3. Then open your prayer with Al Fatiha, then say your prayers, ask whatever you want. While in this state, remember to call out to Allah by his wonderful names, especially names that are attributed to what you are asking. For example, if you are asking for forgiveness, call out name like Ya Gaffar, Ya Raheem, Ya Rahman etc.

4. When you are done, recite Amanar rasoul, The prophet says whosoever make a prayer and recite Amanar Rasoul, he or she will not get up from his sit until Allah accept his or her prayers.

May Almighty Allah accept our prayers in this Holy Month. Jazakallah khairan for reading. 🙏😊
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