💢 *The Term Ibadaah*
Part - 4
❖❐ Here making of the learned men and priests into rabbs and the giving of ibadaah to them does not mean believing them to be gods, but making them the sole authority for deciding what to do and what not to do, and obeying their behests without caring to look for any divine or prophetic sanction behind them.
💢 This is the explanation, which was given by RasulAllah (Sallallahu alaihe wa Sallam) himself when, on an occasion, the question was put to him by Adi ibn Hatim (Rady'Allahu anhu), a revert who had previously been a Christian.
💢 As to the third sense, of worship, this has two aspects: The first is that of performing one or more of the various rites of worship, such as bowing before the person or thing,
💢 standing in his or its presence with hands folded across the breast, of offering sacrifices before it, etc., irrespective of whether the person, etc., involved is regarded as god in his own right or as someone able to intercede with a major god or having a share in the running of the universe under the control of that god;
💢 the other (the second aspect) is to believe in the person, etc., as having control over the realm of cause and effect, and praying to him, invoking him in times of distress or trial, and seeking his protection against danger or disaster. Both kinds of acts amount, according to the Qur'an, to worship, e.g.,
💠"Say, (O prophet): I have been forbidden to worship those whom you people worship other than Allah now that I have clear guidance from my Rabb." [Ghafir 40/66];
💠 "(And Ibrahim said to his people): And I part company with you and turn away from you (all) and from those whom you invoke other than Allah, and I shall call on my Rabb instead. And when he had turned away from them and from those they worshiped other than Allah, We blessed him with a son Ishaq." [Maryam 19/48-49];
💠 "And who is more astray than one who calls on those other than Allah who will not make him any answer till Doomsday and who are in fact unaware even of being invoked; and when the people shall be gathered on the Day of Judgment, those so invoked will turn hostile to them and will repudiate their acts of worship." [al-Ahqaf 46/5-6]
💢 In all these three verses, the Qur'an itself clarifies that by ibadaah here is meant calling on the supposed gods or invoking them for help.
®Salis kura
@ *miftahul ilmi*