🌴Praise be to Allah Almighty
              *The Boy Who*
       *Tried to Escape Death..6*

The next day Ahmad’s arm was still in a lot of pain. Ahmad rejected Mo’s offer in going to the local nightclub that night. Ahmad spent the whole day thinking about life…

Days pass and now we enter the final day of Ahmad’s life…

Nobody knows, not even the angels of death.

The day is Thursday. Ahmad wakes up early after having a bad dream. Fortunately his arm is out of the sling.

Ahmad slowly goes down the stairs and sits at the kitchen table. No-body seems to be at home. He finds his fathers work on the table. He picks up his work to move it to the desk. As he is carrying his fathers work a small diary accidentally falls on the floor. After his father’s papers had been put back carefully, Ahmad curiously opens up his father’s small diary, and there written on the front page are the words of Allah from Qur’an:

*“”Oh my servants who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the mercy of Allah. Truly, He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”* (39:53)”

Ahmad suddenly burst into tears. His hands begin to shake and his vision becomes blurred. He flicks through a few pages and reads the following:

“…I was away from Allah. I sinned against my soul. Far away was I from Allah. I turned to Allah and then fell into sin again when my two sons were born…” Ahmad flicks through more pages and what he reads shocks him even more…

“…My little Ahmad, my third son. He is five years old now. It is him who turned me back to Allah. He saw me once watching tv and asked, *“If a Sheik came into the room and saw you, what would you do?”* I answered, “I would quickly turn off the tv”. My son answered me back, “But baba! Allah is watching you all the time and He is more pure than all the Sheiks in the World!” My mouth dropped. I felt disgraced with myself. I turned back to Allah, vowing to keep my duty to Allah. My wife ‘Aliya also made the vow…” Ahmad continued to read on…

“…My Ahmad has mixed in with the wrong crowd. I see him moving away from his religion. I have failed. My son changed me by the will of Allah. How can I change him? What of my actions will make my son turn back to Allah?…”

Ahmad closed the diary, tears rolling down his face. Ahmad got hold of a pen and paper and wrote down the following:

“My Father. I have read your diary. I changed you when I was a child through my questioning by the will of Allah. Your words of your diary have turned me back to Allah by His will and Command.” Ahmad slipped the page into his father’s diary on the last page he had read.

Ahmad got up and for the first time on his own he performed Wudu. Ahmad put his clothes and shoes on and walked towards the masjid.

Unfortunately little did Ahmad know that Mo, his friend, was going to take the same road as him! Will Mo influence him back to the road to Hell? Can Ahmad influence Mo to the road towards Paradise? Will Ahmad continue on the road he is on?

To be continued... In shaa Allah
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