THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaumul Arba'a. 22nd day of Jumaadal Awwal. (Wednesday 6th January 2021).

Seeking Help with ALLAH.
To ask ALLAH for HIS protection and to rely on HIM alone for help, is a tool in defeating Satan. Surah Al-Falaq and An-Nas of the Qu’ran may be used to regularly seek protection from Satan and we should recite them. We must realise that as long as we are alive, Satan will never give up attempting to mislead us. We must always be on our guard and constantly ask ALLAH for guidance and protection. 

Avoid Sinful Environments.
When ALLAH forbade Aadam from one particular tree, He did not say, “do not eat from this tree” but rather, “do not come close to this tree.” Qur’an 2:35. We must therefore distance ourselves from anything that may lead to committing sin. 

Keep Good Companionship.
The Messenger of ALLAH (peace be upon him) advised, “A person is on the path of his close friend, so be careful whom you befriend.” Tirmidhi. 

The battle against Satan can only be won if we are aware of his traps, and if we apply the strategies to defeat him. On the Day of Judgement, Satan will confess to his sins and mischief. He will declare before all of creation that ALLAH is the One who tells the truth and that he (Satan) is a liar. 

*_May ALLAH keep guiding us and protect us from Sheitan_*. Aameen.
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