ASOF - 2021


Gabatarwar-Abdulrashid Abdullahi, Kano

Berlin Conference of (1884 - 1885)

Taron Berlin na (1884 - 1885)

Taron na Berlin taro ne na ƙasashe 14 zuwa
tattauna rikice-rikicen yankuna a Afirka. An gudanar da taron a
Berlin, Jamus, daga Nuwamba 1884 zuwa Fabrairu 1885 da
sun hada da wakilai daga Amurka da irin wadannan
Kasashen Turai kamar Biritaniya, Faransa, da Jamus. A'a
An gayyaci 'yan Afirka zuwa taron.
Taron na Berlin ya gudana a lokacin da Bature
iko suna hanzarin kafa ikon siyasa kai tsaye a cikin
Afirka. Wannan tseren don faÉ—aÉ—a tasirin mulkin mallaka na Turai shine
wanda ake kira sau da yawa "Scramble for Africa." Bature ya kira
taron na Berlin saboda suna ganin ana buƙatar dokoki
hana yaƙi akan da'awar zuwa ƙasashen Afirka
Shiga cikin taron, kusan 10% na Afirka
yana ƙarƙashin mulkin mallaka na Turai.
• A karshen taron, kasashen Turai
"Mallakar" yawancin Afirka kuma ya shata iyaka
layukan da suka kasance har zuwa shekara ta 1914.
• Burtaniya ta sami mafi yawan filaye a Afirka kuma
aka “ba” Nijeriya, Masar, Sudan, Kenya, da
Kasar Afirka ta Kudu bayan ta doke ‘Yan Bakin Kasar Holand
da Zulu Nation.
• Yarjeniyoyin da aka yi a cikin Berlin har yanzu suna shafar
iyakokin ƙasashen Afirka a yau
• Zuwa 1880s, Burtaniya, Faransa, Jamus,
Beljium, Spain, da Fotigal duk sun so sashi
na Afirka.
• Don hana yakin Turai akan Afirka,
shugabanni daga Bature goma sha huÉ—u
gwamnatoci da daga Amurka suka hadu
a Berlin, Jamus, a cikin 1884.
• Babu wani dan Afirka da ya halarci taron.
• A taron, shugabannin Turai
tattauna ƙasar Afirka da yadda ya kamata a raba.

Taron Berlin na
Taron na Berlin ya zartar da tanadi da yawa:
1. Kasashen Turai ba za su iya kawai su nemi yankin Afirka ba, amma
ya kasance ya mallaki ƙasar da gaske.
2. Kasar da ta riga ta mallaki yankuna a gabar Afirka
sun fara da'awar kan makwabtan ciki.
3. Koguna a Afirka sun kasance a buÉ—e suke ga duk jirgi, ba ma na waÉ—anda kawai ba
ikon mulkin mallaka ta inda kogin ya gudana.
4. Bauta da fataucin bayi sun ƙare a duk Turai
mulkin mallaka.
5. Taron ya kuma amince da Kasar Kwango mai 'Yanci - a yanzu
Congo (Kinshasa) - a matsayin ƙasa, tare da Sarki Leopold II na
Belgium a matsayin mai mulkinta. Leopold, yana aiki a matsayin ɗan ƙasa mai zaman kansa, yana da
da'awar yankin a cikin 1878
The Berlin Conference was a meeting of 14 nations to
discuss territorial disputes in Africa. The meeting was held in
Berlin, Germany, from November 1884 to February 1885 and
included representatives from the United States and such
European nations as Britain, France, and Germany. No
Africans were invited to the conference.
The Berlin Conference took place at a time when European
powers were rushing to establish direct political control in
Africa. This race to expand European colonial influence is
often referred to as the "Scramble for Africa." Europeans called
the Berlin meeting because they felt rules were needed to
prevent war over claims to African lands
Going into the meeting, roughly 10% of Africa
was under European colonial rule.
• By the end of the meeting, European powers
“owned” most of Africa and drew boundary
lines that remained until 1914.
• Great Britain won the most land in Africa and
was “given” Nigeria, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, and
South Africa after defeating the Dutch Settlers
and Zulu Nation.
• The agreements made in Berlin still affect the
boundaries of African countries today
• By the 1880s, Great Britain, France, Germany,
Belgium, Spain, and Portugal all wanted part
of Africa.
• To prevent a European war over Africa,
leaders from fourteen European
governments and from the United States met
in Berlin, Germany, in 1884.
• No Africans attended the meeting.
• At the meeting, the European leaders
discussed Africa’s land and how it should be divided.

Berlin Conference of
The Berlin Conference adopted a number of provisions:
1. European nations could not just claim African territory, but
had to actually occupy and administer the land.
2. A nation already holding colonies on the African coast would
have first claim on the neighboring interior.
3. Rivers in Africa were to be open to all ships, not just those of
the colonial power through whose land the river ran.
4. Slavery and the slave trade were to end in all European
5. The conference also recognized the Congo Free State--now
Congo (Kinshasa)--as a country, with King Leopold II of
Belgium as its ruler. Leopold, acting as a private citizen, had
claimed the region in 1878.

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