
It's not the nature of a true believer to keep commiting the same sins after repenting BUT never give up repenting regardless of how many times you commit the sins till Satan is defeated as ALLAH is always ready to forgive whenever we call on HIM sincerely. 

Al-Haafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali said: 
Ibn Abi Dunya narrated with his isnaad that imam Ali may ALLAH be pleased with him said: “The best of you is every tempted one who repents (i.e., every time he is tempted by this world, he repents).” It was said, “What if he sins again?” He said, “He should ask ALLAH for forgiveness and repent.” It was said, “What if he sins again?” He said, “He should ask ALLAAH for forgiveness and repent.” It was said, “What if he sins again?” He said, “He should ask Allaah for forgiveness and repent.” It was said, “For how long?” He said, “Until the Shaytaan is defeated.” ALLAHU Akbar. May ALLAH keep guiding us all and protect us from such satanic influences. Aameen.
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