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إلى أصحاب الزوجة الواحدة:
قال الصاحب ابن عباد ( أدركت أصحاب التراجم يقولون : مات فلان وكانت تحته فلانة وفلانة يذكرون زوجاته، وعندما يذكرون من له زوجة واحدة، يقولون مات فلان وترك فوقه فلانة)
Assāhib bn Ubbād said:
"I met the biographers saying, "Mr X died and UNDER him were Mrs Y and Mrs Z (stating his wives). But if he had just one wife, they will say, Mr X died and he left ABOVE him Mrs Y."
وقال ابن سينا:(أن الرجل إذا كانت له زوجة واحدة ابتلي في جسده ونفسه أدركه الهرم وهو في عنفوانه، وشكا من داء العظام في الظهر والرقبة والمفاصل، وكثر يأسه ، وقلت حيلته، وذهبت بشاشته، وصار كثير التذمر والشكوى )
Ibn Sīnā said:
"The one with one wife suffers ailments in his body and soul. His body grows older than his actual age. He suffers pains in his backbones, knees and joints. He suffers severe haplessness and hopelessness. His face loses brightness and his nagging and whining becomes extreme."
وقال القاضي ابن أبي مسعود ( من كانت له زوجة واحدة لا يصلح للقضاء ولا الفصل بين الناس )
Al-Qādī bn Abī Mas'ūd said:
"He who has just one wife is NOT fit for the post of a judge or settling dispute among people."
وقال ابن حيان التوحيدي ( أدركت قوما لا يجلسون بينهم من كانت له زوجة واحدة ،يحسبونهم من صغار الناس )
Ibn Hayyān at-Tawhīdī said:
"I met a people who would never allow anyone with just one wife to sit in the same circle with them. They consider him to be among the minors."
وقال ابن خلدون ( تبصرت في الأمم الهالكة فوجدتهم اعتادوا أن تكون لهم زوجة واحدة )
Ibn Khaldūn said:
"I looked critically at (the history of) the destroyed nations and I realized that they were used to being married to just one wife."
وقال العابد ابن ميسار ( لا تستقيم عبادة الرجل إذا كانت له خليلة واحدة ( أي زوجة واحدة) )
Al-'Ābid bn Mīsār said:
"A man shall not be firm in his religiosity if he has just one wife."
وقيل للمأمون بن هارون الرشيد : (إن بالبصرة أقواما، الرجل ما له إلا زوجة واحدة قال : ما هم برجال ،أما الرجال فهن زوجاتهم،يخالفون الفطرة والسنة )
It was said to Ma'mūn bn Hārūn ar-Rashīd:
"There are people in Basrah, each of whom is married to just one wife. He said, they are NOT men. Their wives are the real men. They violate nature and Sunnah."
وقيل لأبي معروف الكرخي : ما الحكم في قوم زعموا الزهد،فلا يتزوجون إلا واحدة .قال : لاشيء أولئك مجانين، فمهما بلغوا من الزهد، لم يبلغوا معشار أبي بكر وعمر وعثمان وعلي.
It was said to Abū Ma'rūf al-Karakhī:
"What's the ruling of a people who claim ascetism and chose to marry only one wife? He said, they are MAD. No matter how ascetic they are, they never can reach ⅒ of the level of Abūbakr, or Umar or Uthmān or Alī."
وسئل ابن فياض عن رجال لهم زوجة واحدة ،فقال أولئك أموات يأكلون ويشربون ويتنفسون.
"Ibn Fayyād was asked concerning men with only one wife. He said, they are DEAD men eating, drinking and breathing."
ولما ولي ابن إسحاق النيسابوري الكرك، منع العطايا عن من كانت له زوجة واحدة، قالوا له ولم فعلت كذا؟ قال : تلك أموال الله لا نعطيها للسفهاء.
"When ibn Is'hāq an-Naysābūrī was appointed as governor of AlKirk, he stopped payment of donations to those with just one wife. When he was queried for his decision, he said, this is the wealth of Allāh and we shall not give it to FOOLS."
وقال ابن عطاء الله : عن أقوام لهم زوجة واحدة من لم يصر علي سنة الأكابر ( يقصد الرسول وصحبه) عددناه من الأصاغر
"Ibn 'Atā-Allāh said concerning people with just one wife, "Whoever does not insist on establishing the Sunnah of the elders (the prophet and his Sahābah), we count him to be among the NONENTITIES."
ولما ذهب تقي الدين المزني فقيها الي سمرقند ،قالوا له إن هؤلاء قوم الرجل فيهم له زوجة واحدة، قال أولئك مسلمين (شك في دينهم ) فوعظهم واسترشدهم فما مر هلال وإلا وعقد لثلاث الآلاف منهم حتى صارت ما بكر او ثيب إلا وتزوجت.
"When Taqiyyuddīn al-Muzanī traveled to Samarkand as a jurist, the people said, each man among so and so tribe is married to just one wife. He replied, and they are Muslims? (He doubted their being Muslims). So he admonished them so much so that before the next moon, about three thousands of them conducted another marriage to the extent that all women, si