💢 The Term Ibadaah
💢 Part - 5
❖❐ "On the other hand, they used to worship the jinn, and many believed in them." [Saba 34/41]
💢 This worship of Jinns (genii) is explained later as Follows:
🔰 "And some there are among men who seek the protection of some among the jinns." [al-Jinn 72/6]
💢 In other words, to seek the protection of the jinn amounts to giving them worship and believing that they have the power to grant such protection.
🔰 "On the Day when Allah will gather them and the gods they used to worship other than Him, He will ask the latter whether it was they who had misled the people or it was the people who had themselves gone astray.
🔰 And they will reply: Glory be to you! How could it have been fitting for us to take for protectors others besides You?" [al-Furqan 25/17-18]
💢 The persons referred to here as having been worshiped are, obviously, the saintly and the pious, while worship of them implies belief in their possessing some of the attributes which are actually divine
💢 and in their being capable of listening to and granting the prayers of someone far away, and the showing of respect for them in such manner amounts to worship.
🔰 "And on the Day when Allah will gather them together, and will say to the angels: Are you those they worshiped? And they will reply: Glory be to you what have we to do with them? It is You Whom we regard as our Protector." [Saba 34/40-41]
💢 Here the ibadaah of the angels means their worship, for which purpose their idols were kept in places of worship, and various acts of worship were gone through in the hope of pleasing them and winning their favors and enlisting their help in worldly affairs.
💠 "And they used to worship, other than Allah, those who had not the power to do them either harm or good, and used to say: These are our intercessors with Allah." [Yunus 10/18];
💠 "And those who have taken others than Allah as their helpers, and say: We do not perform acts of worship towards them except that they bring us nearness to Allah." [az-Zumar 39/3]
💢 Here too the particular acts of worship amount to ibadaah, and the particular manner in which it did is also indicated.
💢 All the above examples illustrate the use of the word ibadaah (or one or more of its derivatives) in one or other of the three senses, and we have now to give some examples of the comprehensive use of the word, embracing all the three. But before we do so, it seems desirable to be clear about one point.
💢 In all the verses cited above, there is reference to the worship of others than Allah. Where worship (ibadaah) implies bondage and submission, those worshiped are, either the Devil, or those rebels against Allah who have become taqahwit (plu. taghout)
💢 and who, instead of making people give their obedience to Allah, make it exclusive for themselves; or those leaders (whether political or religious) who ignore the injunctions of the Qur'an and make the people follow the ways devised by themselves.
💢 Where the word does mean worship -that is, performance of various rituals of worship, etc.- those worshiped happen to be either the saints or other pious people, or the Prophets who were raised to the status of godhood in varying degrees contrary to their own teachings;
💢or the angels or the jinns who, through a misconception, were believed to have a share in divinity; or idols or imaginary powers or other physical representations which became the objects of worship through the insinuations of Satan.
# tawheed
® Salisu~kura