*💢 The Term Ibadaah*
Part - 6
❖❐ The Qur'an pronounces all such gods or objects of worship to be false, and their 'worship' to be wrong, irrespective of whether it amounts to bondage, or obedience, or the actual observance of the ritual of worship.
💢 All, insists the Qur'an, are Allah's creatures and his slaves. They have no right to be given any kind of worship, nor does this worship beget anything but frustration, and debasement.
💢 Allah alone is the Lord of all, whether it be these gods or the rest of creation, and He alone has all the power and the authority and, hence, He alone is deserving of worship in any of the senses of the word:
💠 "Verily those you worship are Allah's creatures like you, so call them, and let them make reply to you (that is, grant your prayers), if you are in the right." [al-A'raf 7/194];
💠 "And those to whom you call besides Him, can neither help you nor (for the matter of that) even themselves." [al-A'raf 7/197];
💠 "And they say that Rahman (the God of Mercy) has taken a son now Himself. Far above is He of such a thing! They (the supposed sons) are, actually, His creatures whom He has honored. (And yet, despite this honor) they dare not open their mouth on their own to make any submission to Him.
💠 They only do as He bids. He knows what is visible to them, and also what is hidden from them. They cannot intercede with Him in behalf of anyone (at all) save where He Himself wishes to accede to any intercession. And they are constantly in awe of Him." [al-Anbiya 21/26-28];
💠 "And they have made goddesses of angels, who are actually creatures of ar-Rahman, The Merciful God." [az-Zukhruf 43/19];
💠 "And they have assumed some blood relationship between Allah and the jinns, though the jinn, know for themselves that they will one day have to appear before Him to account for their conduct." [as-Saffat 37/158];
💠 "Neither did Isa consider it beneath his dignity to be a slave of Allah, nor do the angels; and whosoever considers it beneath him to give himself in bondage to Allah, (then where can he escape from Him, and) He will gather them all to Himself." [an-Nisa 4/172];
💠 "The Sun and the Moon both follow courses (exactly) computed; and the plants and the trees both (alike) bow in adoration and submission to Allah (their Creator)." [ar-Rahman 55/5-6];
💠 "The seven heavens and the earth, and all beings therein, proclaim His Glory; there is not a thing but celebrates His praises, except that you understand it not." [al-Isra 17/44];
💠 "And to Him belongs all beings in the heavens and the earth, and all are subservient to his commands." [ar-Rum 30/26];
💠 "And there is not a creature that moves but He has grasp of its forelock (that is, complete control over it)." [Huud 11/56];
💠 "There is not a single being in the heavens and the earth but will come to (Allah) Most Gracious as a bonded slave; He does take account of them (all), and has numbered them (all) exactly. And everyone of them will come to Him singly on the Day of Judgment." [Maryam 19/93-95];
💠 "Say (O Prophet): O Allah! Lord of Power (and Rule), You Grant power to whom You pleases, and shed Power from whom You please; You endue with honor whom You please, and You bring low whom You please. In Your hand is all Good (That is, no good can come to any being unless Allah wills it so). Verily, You have (all the) power over everything." [Al-i Imran 3/26]
# tawheed
® Salis~Kura
@ *Miftahul ilmi*