💠The term Rabb and Rububiyyah of Allah (azza wajal) 03

💠The term Rabb and Rububiyyah of Allah (azza wajal)

 Part - 3👈

❖❐ The People of the city Ad :

❐ The next in line were the Ad. They too did not deny the existence of Allah, or His being the Ilah but at the same time they too believed in Him as the Rabb to the same extent and in the same sense as had Nuh's people. 

❐ And so the points of disagreement between them, and the Prophet sent to them, Huud (alaihe wa sallam), were the same too:

❖ "And to the Ad (We sent) their brother (that Is kinsman) Huud, who said to them: O my people, give your ibadaah to Allah (because) there is no ilah but He; will you not fear Him? (And) they said: 

❖ Have you come to us to make us give all of our ibadaah to Allah alone, exclusively, and give up those to whom our ancestors used to give theirs?" [al-A'raf 7/65-70] 

❐ "They said: If our Rabb had wanted, He would have sent down angels (instead of you, a human like us)." [Fussilat 41/14] ; 

❖ "These then were the Ad, who refused to obey the commands of their Rabb, who did not obey His messengers, and who (instead) obeyed every despotic transgressor (against Truth)." [Huud 11/59] 

💠 The Thamud

❐ Then there were the Thamud, the worst transgressors after the Ad. Basically, their deviation was the same as of the people of Nuh (alaihe wa sallam) and the Ad. 

❐ They also believed in the existence of Allah and His being the Ilah and the Rabb but they did not agree that He was the only ilah, that He alone was worthy of all ibadaah, and that He was Rabb in all the senses of the word. 

❐ They insisted that there were others, besides Allah, who too could accept prayers, grant favors, and remove distress, and in moral and cultural matters they took their law from their chiefs and priests instead of following Divine guidance. 

❐ It was this which made them into a tragically misled people and brought down on them Allah's punishment:

❖ "And (O Muhammad) if they turn away (and do not listen to what you say) then say to them: I am warning you of a punishment the like of that which visited the Ad and the Thamud, to whom Prophets came repeatedly telling them not to give their ibadaah to any but Allah, and whose only reply was: 

❖ If our Rabb had wanted, He would surely have sent down angels, (but since He did not), we reject the message which you bring." [Ibrahim 14/13-14] ; 

❖ "And to the Thamud (we sent) their kinsman Salih, who said to them: O my People: Give your ibadaah to Allah; you have no ilah but He. They replied: 

❖ O Salih, we had great hopes of you (and now you spear strangely); Do you mean to forbid us to give our ibadaah to those to whom our ancestors used to give their?" [Huud 11/61-62]; 

❖ "When their kinsman Salih said to them: Do you not fear (Allah)? I am verily an apostle worthy of trust where fore fear Allah, and obey me and not obey all the words of transgressors who cause strife in the land and who do not mend their ways." [ash-Shura 26/142-143; ash-Shura 150-152] 

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