

It's very much beneficial my dear brothers and sisters in Islām.

An Arab Poet said 
" *لــكل عـصر شـــــياطينها* " 

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal wrote a book
 " الرد على الجهمية "

The Son of Al-Imām Ahmad, Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Ibn Hanbal wrote a book
" كتاب السنة والرد على الجهمية"
In fact, he started his book with Takfeer of the Jahmiyya

Al-Imām Abu Mansur As-Bahaani wrote his own too

" الحجة في بيان المحجة"

Al-Imām Ibn Taimiyah wrote his own too
" بـيان تلبيس الجهمية"
Check Majmool Fatawa, from Vol 1- to almost 8 was refutations on the people of Bid'ah, especially the Ashaa'ira and the Jahmiyya. 

His Student, Ibnul Qayyim wasn't left behind, he wrote many, from among them are 

" الصواعق المرسلة في الرد على الجهمية والمعطلة "

" اجتماع الجيوش الإسلامية في حرب على المعطلة والجهمية "

Is that all, No

Al-Imām Ad-Darimi wrote two wonderful books on Jahmiyya and their likes
" كتاب الرد على الجهمية"

نقد عثمان الدارمي على بشر المريسي"

Al-Imām Ibn Mandah wrote as well

" كتاب الرد على الجهمية"

The Islamic historian, Al-Imām Az-Zhahabii wrote comprehensive book titled

" كتاب العلو للعلي الغفار "

Al-Imām Al-Laalakaa'ii gathered the Aqeedah of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'a in his book titled 
" شرح أصول اعتقاد" 
In the Muqadimah, he fired the Jahmiyya, to know about this Sect, read the statement of Ulamah in it. 
Al-Imām Al- Ājjuri wrote his own too 
" كتاب الشريعة" 

And many many other books, none from the Ulamah of Sunnah ever said why all these refutations, but today, here you are, blaming Ulamah of Sunnah for exposing the evil of The Islamic Muslim Brotherhood (جماعة الإخوان المسلمين ), and her three children, Why?

Do you know that every century has it own trials and tests, the test of this Zamaan is the Ikhwānul Muslimuun, without explanations from the Ulamah, how on earth will you be safe from Misguidance!!!

Therefore my dear brother and sister, Fear Allah, and stop eating the flesh of Ulamah of Sunnah of your Zamaan for explaining and exposing the evil doers, while you assassinate the characters of the Ulamah, 
The likes of 

👉 Al-Imām Muhammad Amaanul Jaaami رحمه الله 
👉 Al-Imām Ahmad ibn Yahya An-Najmee رحمه الله 
👉 Al-Imām Muqbil Ibn Hādi Al-Waadiee رحمه الله 
👉 Al-Imām Rabee Al_Madkhalee حفظه اللّٰه 
👉 Al-Allamah Dr Muhammad Saeed Raslaan حفظه الله 
👉 Al-Imām Al-Allamah Ferkous حفظه الله etc 

Oh My dear, don't be brainwashed, get their books, Read their books and see the truth for yourself, and you compare their efforts and Rudud and evidences, are they in conformity with the Dawah of Salaf ? If Yes , you hold it, and if No, then you refute with knowledge. 

I pray Allah take away the wool placed on our eyes from the Sururiyyoon, Qutubiyoon and other Hizbiyyuun and their sympathisers .


 *©Adam Sheshi*```
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