1. Who was created first, Adam or Satan? The Quran says Satan, the Bible doesn't say anything?
2. Who was created first, Adam or the Angles? The Quran says the Angels, the Bible doesn't say anything?
3. Why is it that the Quran tells us that Lut was a pious prophet, and the Bible tells us that he had sex with his daughters?
4. Why is it that the Bible condemns David as a murderer, and the Quran tells us that he was a pious sinless prophet?
5. Why does the Bible say that God afflicted women for Eve's sin, and the Quran doesn't tell us such thing?
6. Why does the Bible say that Jesus was crucified, and the Quran says that he was saved?
7. Why does the Quran say lash the fornicators 100 times, and the Bible says stone them?
8. Why is it that the Bible tells us that Moses was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter, and the Quran tells us it was Pharaoh's wife?
9. Why does the Bible tells us in Genesis that God had to take a walk to find Adam, and the Quran tells us that God's knowledge doesn't require that He walks?
10. Why is it that the Quran tells us that Jesus spoke in the cradle, but the Bible knows nothing about the childhood of Jesus?
11. Why does the Quran tells us that the inheritance share of the man is as twice as much as the woman, and the Bible has no such law?
12. Why does the Quran tells us not to transgress in wars, and the Bible teaches us to kill every living thing including plants (Joshua 6)?
13. The Bible teaches us to kill unbelievers, and leave to ourselves YOUNG virgins who never knew a man (Numbers 31). Why isn't such thing present in the Quran?
14. Why is Satan called a FALLEN ANGEL in the Bible, and not in the Quran?
15. Why does the Quran tells us there are Jinn (Some are good and others
are bad), but the Bible doesn't mention Jinn?
16. Why does the Quran tells us that Abraham and Ishmael built the Kaaba, while the Bible says no such thing?
17. Why is it that the Quran tells us that the Quran mentions different levels in Paradise, and the Bible doesn't say so?
18. Why is it that the Quran tells us that there is a tree in hell called Zaqquum, and the Bible doesn't say so?
19. Why is it that the Quran was finalized and approved by Prophet Mohammad (s), and the Bible was never approved by any prophet?
20. Why doesn't the Bible mention the story of how Mary was raised, and the Quran does?
21. Why doesn't the Quran and the Bible have the same story about the birth of Jesus? The Quran says that he was born under the remnants of a palm tree, but the Bible says he was born in a stable.
22. Why is it that Moses was the one who threw his staff during the contest with the magicians, and the Bible tells us that Aaron is the one who threw it?