Wasting time !!!

 Ala ad-Din ibn al-Hasan bin Ibrahim bin Dawud bin Sulayman bin al-‘Attār ad-Dimashqi ash-Shafi’i (Rahimahu'Allah) the student of Imam al-Nawawi, said:

Our Shaykh (may Allaah have mercy on him) told me that he never spent any time, by night or by day, without being busy with knowledge, and even on the road he would be reading. 

He continued like this for six years, then he began to write books. He never ate during the day or the night, except a meal after ‘Isha’ prayer, and he drank only once, just before dawn. He said: I am afraid that my body may become hydrated and make me want to sleep.

Abu al-Wafa Ali Ibn Aqeel ibn Ahmad al-Hanbali al-Baghdadi (1040–1119) said:

It is not permissible for me to waste an hour of my life even when my tongue is not busy with memorizing or debating with others, or my eyes are not busy in reading. I would think even when I am resting or relaxing, so I would not get up without an idea to write down. 
I limit the time I spend eating as much as I can, to such an extent that I choose a few crumbs and follow it with water rather than bread, because bread takes more time to chew, so as to save my time for reading or writing down some useful ideas. The best thing for the wise man to save is time. 

[Salaah al-Ummah | 4/169-175]


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