Women praying Jumu’ah: two rak’ahs only

Question : 10-11-2022

Is it permissible for women to pray the friday Zuhr prayer in the mosque that is only two rakat . When i was a child Iwas told that two rakat of Zuhr prayer on friday is only for men and women are supposed to pray on friday as any other day . Please guide me . Jazakallah khair .


Women do not have to pray Salaat al-Jumu’ah (Friday prayer). Ibn Qudaamah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “As regards women, there is no difference (among the scholars) concerning the fact that Jumu’ah is not obligatory for them.”

(Al-Mughni ma’a al-Sharh al-Kabeer, 2/151). But if a woman prays Jumu’ah in the mosque, then she should pray two rak’ahs, just like the men. Ibn Hazm (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “Jumu’ah is not obligatory for one who is weak because of sickness or who has another valid excuse, or for women, but if any of these people attend Jumu’ah, they should pray two rak’ahs.” (al-Muhallaa, 5/81). So if a woman goes to the mosque and prays Jumu’ah, this is good enough, and she does not have to pray Zuhr too. And Allaah knows best.

Source: Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

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