In a world that is getting tougher by the day, where people are becoming bitter, harder & more self-centred, strive to stay soft-hearted, kind & gentle.

"Be a cushion in a world full of rocks & hard places. Be a gentle soul where everyone else is jaded. Be that person. Because people like that are rarer & more precious than the rarest of jewels in this world."

People will tell you that your heart will surely get broken if you're soft & don't stand up, that you should toughen up or you’ll be taken advantage of. But remember, being soft-hearted, kind & gentle was the noble qualities of the one who is the most beloved to Allah, our Rasool sallallaahu alayhi wasallam. If we strive to keep these qualities despite getting hurt or being taken advantage of, we will be treading our Rasulullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam's footsteps. Aиϑ the reward of being soft hearted, kind & gentle is no other than the ultimate...Al Jannah.

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam said :

   "Shall I not tell you who
    will be forbidden from
    the fire?
It will be forbidden for every gentle,soft hearted and kind-person".
[At - Tirmidhi]

Sit with those who constantly repent, for they have the softest hearts.

[Umar Ibn Al-Khattab Radhiyallahu Anhu]                  

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