The prophet (saw) said to Abbas there are ten things you will do that will wipe away your past, present, hidden, open, intentional, and non intentional   sins which is the (sallatul tasbihi )
perform ablution pray four raka'at in each raka'at read fatiha with surah before you go for ruku'i then you recite SUBAHANALLAHI, WALHAMDULLAHI, WALLAILLAHAILLAHU WALLAHU AKBAR (15) times before ruku'i, in ruku'i you recite (10)times after ruku'i before sujjada you recite it (10) times in sujjada recite (10) times after you rise from sujjada you recite (10)times before you go back to sujjada in the second sujjada you recite (10) times   the sujjad a you sit and recite it (10) times before you stand up for the next raka'at before you realize all in all you have carryout (75) tasbihi in every raka'at and that is how it will in the remain raka'at which wil make it the sum  total of tasbihi carryout 300 in four raka'at.
WHEN TO PERFORM SALLATUL TASBIHI Then he further says that you should at least try by all means to carry out this sallat every day if you are not opportune then every Friday, if you are not opportune then every months, if you are not opportune then every year, if you are not opportune then once in your life time.
BENEFIT OF SALLATUL TASBIHI If you surely do it the way it is expected of then if your sins will touch the sky or it will be as plenty as water in a sea of hamadah both the hidden and open once  Allah (swt) will grant you forgiveness and reward you with janna. My brothers and sisters in Islam this is a bonnus let rush and grab it do not leave it to pass, may Allah (swt)  give us the energy, time and power to carryout the ibadah and also shower his endless blessing and provide all the needs of the person that took his time to type shares with others people and any other person that will shares with others duniya wa akira  ameen ya rabbi.please  let shares with others don't be stingy for every body to enjoy the benefits thanks may Allah bless you as you share.

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