*_Journalism Profession For A Married Woman_*

Salaam, I'm extending my best wishes to Malam. Please, Malam, I have come with a question: What is the (Islamic) ruling on a Married woman who takes journalism as her profession?

Well, My brother; Allah, the most high has commanded a married woman to stay in her house, she should not go outside of her home unless there's an important need for her (to go out). Verse 33 of Suratul Ahzab pointed to that.

Journalism is a profession in which there is need for a man and a woman mingle, because a journalist can be a photographer whose photographing job necessitates mingling with men, just like she can meet with someone who's not her 'Muharram' when anchoring a program which could lead to on set of transgression because whenever a woman stays with a man, Shaidan would be an intermediate between them.

Necessity may render what is prohibited permissible. But in this case, such necessity does not arise because she can find a different job with which she can fend for herself. And men are enough to do anything that's expected of a journalist in the sense that, even if women do not take part in it, there will not be a problem with the profession.

A journalism profession where a journalist will appear on television paves way for somebody to look at a married woman and lust after her, because whoever is anchoring a program must be fashioned in such a way that she will be well presentable, and this can lead to on set of transgression. Therefore, this renderers it prohibited.

The Ulama' say: whenever a purified journalism that does not contradict the rules of the Shari'a is put in place, such is permissible for a woman because any ruling which has been prohibited due to certain deformity is permissible when such deformity vanishes. But it is difficult to guarantee that in countries where there is no practice of Islamic Shari'a. This made it better for a woman to quit the profession, especially of television which is more prone to on set of transgression as in the aforementioned explanations.

Allah knows best.

For more clarifications, check: Al-mar'atu Almuslima Almu'asirah of Ahmad Ba-badin, page number: 429.

Answered by:- Dr. Jamilu Zarewa.


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