For some bachelors, they want a woman who has never left her room all her life, yet she speaks queens English, her Arabic is off the hook, she is a hafeeza, she knows how to cook all the village dishes, African dishes and Chinese quisines, she shouldn't go to school yet she should be a graduate of medicine, she should do all the chores without complaining all day and at night she should still display her skills so much like a black belt holder in the bed room.
If the likes of these are your requirements, pls do not marry in this world else you will end up divorcing every woman you marry, for none of them will ever meet your cut-off mark. Kindly wait till the hereafter so that you will have the women of jannah who are flawless and spotless. 

*The reality of the dunya is that you will never find a perfect spouse in it*

*if you see a woman who possesses half of your needs, MARRY her and nurture the remaining half in her gradually.*
The prophet salallahu alayhi wassslam said:
People are just like camels, out of every 100, you will hardly find one suitable to ride. (saheeh bukhari)

The hadith shows that you can't find a person with a perfect characteristics in multitudes.

*if you find a hafeeza, she may be struggling with jinn problem*

*if you find a muhaditha, she may be struggling with an infection*

*if you find a doctor who is a Muslimah she may not understand Arabic*

*if you find a female scholar of fiqh, she may be suffering from a rare disease*

*if you find a young pretty virgin, she might have not passed through school at all*

*if you find a masha Allah Munaqabah, it may be that she has beards and moustache*

 *if you find a young graduate Muslimah, she may not know how to cook many delicacies*

*if you find a sweet-16 on Facebook, she may want a man who sings poems and loves cats*

*VICE-VERSA to the SISTER'S too*

So in summary, you will never find a perfect woman in this world.
*Do you know why a newly married man is called 'groom'?*

It's Because it is assumed that you being the head of the family, you are expected to nurture and groom your new bride gradually and fashion her into your taste with time.

 Sadly, the grooms of these days are expecting ready made brides. These is usually the very first problem in many matrimonial homes today. Even though it takes only 2 minutes to prepare indomie, but that 2 minutes makes the difference between a raw indomie and a cooked one.

Copied with slight abridgement.
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