ASOF - 2021


Gabatarwar-Abdulrashid Abdullahi, Kano

Electoral constituency

Mazabar zabe

Za'a iya bayyana mazabun zaɓe a matsayin gundumar zaɓe ko yanki daga Wanda ɗaya ko sama da membobi ko wakilai da aka zaɓa cikin ofishin siyasa. Rarrabar kasa zuwa mazabu ana kiranta da iyakancewa.

Dalilai masu tasiri kan iyakokin mazabu

1- Saukaka gudanarwa
2- yawan jama'a
3- maslahar jama'a
4- abubuwan yanayin kasa
5-tarihi da al'adu
6- yawan wuraren zama.

Ire-iren mazabu

Mazabun memba É—aya ko tsarin gunduma yanki da yawa

Mazabun membobi : - yana bukatar a zabi memba daya kacal a cikin majalisar dokoki. Kowane mai jefa kuri'a yana da damar jefa kuri'a daya kawai kasar ta Najeriya ta bi hanyar.

Yankin membobi da yawa: - shine zaben membobi biyu ko sama da haka a majalisar dokoki. A wannan tsarin mai jefa kuri’a na iya samun damar samun kuri’u biyu ko ma fiye da haka, ya danganta da yawan ‘yan takarar da za a zaba daga yankin.

Matsalolin da suka shafi keɓance yankin

1- rashin kidayar jama'a
2- yankin da ba'a shiga ba
3- Gerrymandering
4- Abubuwan kabilanci
5- Tattara abubuwa iri-iri
6- Mutuwar kwararrun ma’aikata

 electoral constituency may be defined as an electoral district or an area from Wich one or more members or representative are elected into political office . The division of a country into constituency is referred to as delimitation.

Factors Influencing the delimitation of constituency 

1- Administration convenience
2- population
3- minority interest 
4- geographical factors
5-historical and cultural background
6- number of seats available.

Types of constituencies

Single member constituency or district system multi member constituency

Single member constituency:- it requires the election of only one member into the legislature . Every voter is only entitled to one vote nigeria adopts method.

Multi member constituency :- it is the election of two or more members into the legislature . In this system a voter may be entitled to two or even more votes, depending on the number of candidates to be elected from the constituency.

Problems affecting Delimitation of constituency

1- inaccurate population census
2- inaccessible area
3- Gerrymandering
4- Ethnicity factor
5- Grouping together of different interests
6- Death of skilled manpower
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