*Wolves in*   
                *Sheeps’ Clothing*

💠 It is reported that Abūl-ʿĀliyah said:

There will come upon the people a time when their hearts will be derelict of the Qurān; *_they will find neither sweetness nor pleasure by it. If they fall short of doing what they have been commanded to do, they will say: Allāh is most forgiving, merciful (He will forgive us), and if they do what they have been forbidden from doing, they will say:_* we will be forgiven, we haven’t committed any shirk with Allāh. Their affairs will all be based on [false] hope, having no truth and sincerity with it. *_They will wear the skins of lambs over hearts of wolves. The best of them in his religion will be someone who compromises._*

💠 Imām Aḥmad, Al-Zuhd article 1741.


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