Asmaa' was a woman of great nobility, wisdom, and patience. One of the women of Paradise!

Asmaa' Bint Abi Bakr belonged to a distinguished Muslim family and brought up in an atmosphere of purity and devotion and shared close ties with the Prophet (ï·º). Her father, Abu Bakr, was a close friend of the Prophet (ï·º) and the first Caliph after his death. Her half-sister, 'Aa'ishah, was a wife of the Prophet (ï·º) and one of the Ummahaat al-Mu'mineen (Mothers of the Faithful). Her husband, Zubayr Ibn al-'Awwam, was one of the special personal aides of the Prophet (ï·º). Her son, 'Abdullah Ibn az-Zubayr, was the first child to be born to the muhaajirun (Sahaabah who had migrated from Makkah) in Madinah. 'Abdullah later became well known for his incorruptibility and his unswerving devotion to Truth.

Asmaa', herself, was among the early converts to Makkah. When the Prophet (ï·º) was about to secretly leave Makkah for Madinah with his close friend Abu Bakr, it was Asmaa' who prepared the provisions for the Prophet (ï·º) and her father. She said: "I prepared the provision bag for the Prophet (ï·º) in the house of Abu Bakr when he wanted to emigrate to Madinah. We did not find anything with which to tie his bag or waterskin. I said to Abu Bakr, 'By Allah, I cannot find anything to tie with except my belt.' He said, 'Tear it in two and tie the waterskin with one and the bag with the other.' " So that is what she did and since then she became know as *Dhatun-Nitaqayn (the One with the Two Waistbands).* This was a great service to the Prophet (ï·º).

Asmaa' became known for her title and noble qualities and the keenness of her intelligence. She was an extremely generous person.
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