(((...FREE ME PLEASE...)))

Today marital discord is on the increase, more so in Muslim homes. These days, it takes sometime, an issue of less or no acceptable significance in the Deen for the husband to let go of the wife by asking her to pack her loads and return to her father's house or simply by pronouncing DIVORCE with impunity till it becomes irrevocable. More pathetic is the case of women who thread the same path without remorse.

Truly, there's nothing wrong with a woman asking to be freed by her husband but the question is on what grounds and are those grounds genuine enough to warrant it? I was once told by a friend that his prospective wife discontinued with him on the basis that his two bedroom flat wasn't well equipped, Subhanallah! Some of the cases witnessed today are so pathetic that your heart will bleed for the future of this generation of Muslim.

This is the time where women clamour for freedom at all costs. They want to be free like birds. Go out of the house without the express permission of their husband. They want to complete at home and away, at work place with sheer gut that if their husband dare ask that they stay at home and maintain the home, take good care of the kids amongst others, they suddenly consider such a man as ENEMY of PROGRESS.

As much as we preach patience for the brothers to thread the path of love with caution, that they be romantic in the real sense of it to stimulate peace and tranquillity and to be kind with women and show some love and harmony with their wives, we must not forget to remind our sisters that Allaah did not demand patience from the husband alone.

Arrogance from some women is better imagined than experienced, ingratitude from others is beyond imagination too, yet, at the slightest opportunity or the presence of discord, these women simply ask to be freed! Where is your patience, sister?

Shall we not fear Allaah in all our dealings? The same man who could feed his wife plus her family members, send his kids to school and some of his wife's siblings suddenly lost his job and before you know it, he would soon be about to loose his wife. Where is the perseverance of our women? Money matters a lot in the foundation of an Ideal Muslim Home but not as important as PIETY!

My dearest sisters in the Deen, please endeavour to thread the path of caution and fear Allaah in all your dealings and certainly Allaah does not leave His true slaves unaided. And we ask Allaah to help ease the affairs of our homes. Aameen.


May Allaah accept it from you and us. Aameen.

Allaahu l Musta'aan
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