Friday Sermon
Beneficial Knowledge
*🔸Prophet ﷺ said:* “If one of you yawns on Friday (during the Khutbah), let him change from the place he’s sitting to another.”
[صحيح بن خزيمة : مختصر المختصر من المسند الصحيح ١٨١٩]
*🔸Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan said..*
▪“It is recommended to leave early to go to the Masjid on the day of Jumu’ah and when one enters pray two units of prayer for tahiyyat al-Masjid.”
[الملخص الفقهي ١٩٦/١]
▪“From the rulings of Jumu’ah is that whoever comes to the Masjid whilst the Imaam is giving the khutbah, he should not sit until he has prayed two light units of prayer.”
[الملخص الفقهي ١٩٨/١]
▪“From the rulings of Jumu’ah prayer is that it is not permissible to speak whilst the Imaam is giving the khutbah.”
[الملخص الفقهي ١٩٨/١]
▪“Whoever enters [the Masjid] whilst the Imaam is giving the khutbah, then he should not greet [anyone].”
[الملخص الفقهي ٢٠٠/١]
▪“It is not permissible for him (i.e. the one who is sitting and listening during the khutbah) to fidget with his hand, foot, beard, clothing or other than that.”
[الملخص الفقهي ٢٠٠/١]
▪“Likewise, he should not turn right or left and become busy with looking at the people - or other than that - as that will distract him from listening to the khutbah. Rather, he should turn to the khateeb just like the Sahaabah (radee Allaahu ‘anhum) used to turn towards the Prophet (sal Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) during the khutbah.”
[الملخص الفقهي ٢٠٠/١]
▪“If he sneezes then he should praise Allaah secretly (i.e. quietly) between him and himself (i.e. so that no one hears).”
[الملخص الفقهي ٢٠٠/١]
▪“It is permissible to speak before and after the khutbah, and when the Imaam sits between the khutbatayn (i.e. the two sermons) for a legal benefit. However, one should not speak about worldly affairs.”
[الملخص الفقهي ٢٠١/١]
🔸 *Imaam Ibn Taymiyah said “* It is more right for the one who comes on Jumu’ah that he busy himself with prayer up until the Imaam comes out [to give the khutbah]...”
[مجموع الفتاوى ١٨٩/٢٤]
*🔸Ibn al-Qayyim said:* “The Hour of Response in it (i.e. Friday) is like the Night of Decree in Ramadaan.”
[زاد المعاد ٣٩٨/١]
*🔸Ibn Mas'ood رضي الله عنه said:* The leader of all days is Friday and the leader of all months is Ramaḍān.
[ابن أبي شيبه في المصنف ٥٥٥٢]
*🔸Ibn Masud:*
"Lengthening the prayer and shortening the khutbah is a sign of a man's fiqh (understanding)."
[الطبراني في الكبير٩٤٩٤]
*🔸Imām al-Barbahārī:* “Whoever abandons Friday and congregational prayers in mosque without an excuse is an innovator.”
[شرح السنة ٢\١٧٧]