A must read | It's obligatory upon every Muslim, that they adopt the Manhaj (Methadology) of the Salaf | That they take from the Quran, the Sunnah and they UNDERSTAND these TWO SOURCES the way the Sahabah, Tabieen and Tabi Al Tabieen (the Salaf) understood it | That they adopt the beliefs of the Sahabah and Tabieen and Tabieen | And they avoid every bid'ah, for every bid'ah is going astray and every going astray is in the fire | written by: Muhammad Ali Mazari |

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

"I am leaving behind me two matters which will never lead you astray as long as you hold onto them. The book of Allah, and the Sunnah." (Al Muwatta 1661, Al Haakim, Saheeh)

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

 "I order you to follow my Sahabah, then those who come after them and then those who come after them." (Tirmidhi, 2165, Saheeh)

"As for the Ummah of yours, the Soundness (of religious understanding, the beliefs, the Methadology) is in its earliest generations." (Sunan An Nasa'i, 4191, Saheeh)

"The best generation is my generation, then those who come after them and then those who come after them." (Sahih al-Bukhari 6429). 

"Adhere to my Sunnah and the Sunan of the rightly guided caliphs. Adhere to it and stick fast to it. And avoid every bid'ah for every bid'ah is going astray and every going astray is in the fire." (Sunan Abu Dawud, 4607, Saheeh)

"Bani Israel will split in 72 sects and my Ummah will split in 73 sects all in the fire except for one sect and they are those who are upon (the beliefs) what I and my companions are upon." (Tirmidhi 2641, classed as Hasan by Al Iraaqi, Al Albani and Al Suyuti)

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

"The stars are the custodians (guardians) of the sky, so when the stars depart, there will come to the sky what is promised for it (i.e. on the Day of Judgment). I am the custodian of my Companions, so when I depart, there will come to my Companions what is promised for them (i.e. great trials and tribulations). My Companions are the custodians for my Ummah, so when my Companions depart, there will come to my Ummah what is promised for it (i.e. schisms, spread of innovations etc).'

[Sahih Muslim 4: 1344)/ Sahih - related by Muslim (16/82), Ahmad (4/398) and al-Baghawi in Sharh as-Sunnah (14/71-72) ]

Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

"Whoever wants to follow an example, let them follow the example of those who have passed away, for those who are living are not safe from fitnah (temptation). They are the sahabah (companions) of muhammad. They are the best of this ummah, the purest in heart, the deepest in knowledge, and the farthest from false display of piety. They are the people whom allah chose to be the companions of his prophet and to convey his religion. So acknowledge their superiority and imitate their way and behavior, for they were following the straight path."

(Ibn 'Abdul-Bar, Jami' Bayan Al-'Ilm wa Fadlihi, Chapter on undesirable debate, dispute, and argument, vol. 2, p. 947, no. 1810, (verified by Al-Zuhayry); and Abu Isma'il Al-Harawy, Dham Al-Kalam wa Ahlihi, vol. 4, p. 38, no. 758, verified by 'Abdullah Al-Ansary. Related by Abu Nu'aym in Al-Hilyah' from 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar, vol. 1, pp. 305- 306)

The legendary Sāhabi, Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (may Allaah be pleased with him) said:

"Allaah looked into the hearts of His slaves, and He saw that the heart of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the best of people's hearts, so He chose him for Himself and sent him with His message. Then He looked into the hearts of His slaves after the heart of Muhammad, and He found that the hearts of his companions were the best of people's hearts, so He made them the supporters of His Prophet, who fought for His religion. So whatever the Muslims think is good, is good before Allaah, and whatever they think is bad, is bad before Allaah."

(Narrated by Ahmad in al-Musnad (1/379). The scholars of hadeeth said: Its isnaad is hasan)

It is reported that 'Abdullah b. Mas'ud - Allah be pleased with him - said:

"The people will remain upon goodness as long as knowledge comes to them from the Companions of Allah's Messenger - Allah's praise and peace be upon him, and from their seniors."

(Ibn 'Abd Al-Barr, Jami' Bayan Al-'Ilm wa Fadlihi article 1060)

The noble Sahabi, Imraan Ibn Husayn (May Allah be pleased with him) said, “O people! Learn the knowledge of the religion from us, if you do not do so, then you will certainly be misguided.” (al-Kifaayah (page 15) of al-Khateeb al Baghdaadee)

The noble Tabiee, Imam Abu Haneefah (Rahimahullah) said: “Adhere to the aathaar (narration) and the tareeqah (way) of the Salaf (Pious Predecessors) and beware of newly invented matters for all of it is innovation” [Reported by as-Suyootee (Rahimahullah) in Sawn al Mantaq wal-Kalaam p.32]

The noble Tabi al-Tabiee, Imaam al-Awzaee (Rahimahullah) said: “Hold fast to the narrations of the salaf, even if people were to abandon you. Beware of the opinions of the people, no matter how much they beautify it with their speech.” [Related by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadee (Rahimahullah) in his excellent book Sharafu Ashaabul-Hadeeth (p.7)]
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