Celebrating The Maulid
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
All praises are due to Allah, may His blessings and peace be upon our noble Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions.
The issue of celebrating ‘Maulid’ (what some call the birthday of the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), in later generations up till this age of ours, has been viewed differently by many people, scholars and commoners alike. Many writings have been excellently presented on the subject by eminent scholars to the effect that this celebration has no basis from the teachings of the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) thereby calling upon Muslims to desist from participating in it. But despite that you find many Muslims – viewing the matter from a purely sentimental and emotional perspective – still endulge in such practice and view any opposite opinion to be wrong. Some find it difficult to believe that the practice is alien to Islam, considering the fact most of the Muslim Ummah in almost all countries observe it or that some famous scholars known for their sincere service to Islam were reported to have been observing the Maulid.
This piece is a response to a brother with such a view. In an exchange between me and him on the issue he asked why is it that some scholars condemn the observance of maulid while we find some great scholars like Ibn Hajar (Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalaani, d. 852 a.h.) and Suyuti are reported to have been observing or attending the maulid congregation. In my response to him on an internet forum I wrote the following confirming that Ibn Hajar and Suyuti did not only endorse and observe the maulid but also presented some arguments in an effort to give it a legal bearing from some texts of the Qur’an or the Sunnah, then followed it with responses from the scholars especially from the Maliki Mazhab.
To be continue....
Dr. Abubakar Muhammad Sani Birnin Kudu
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