Assalāmu alaykum! 

This is about you..., and about me. 

It's about US!

Many of us hide our dark secrets from others. No matter how that person is close to us, we never disclose our secret habit(s) to him. 

Everyone has a sin in which the world knows not. Whenever we want to commit those sins, we run away from people's sight, and we run to Allah to commit those sins. Yes! Or are we not aware Allah sees everything in the dark and He sees all that is behind walls?... Yet we were shy of people but ain't shy of Allah. How awful!

Now wait. 

No one knows your secret sins except Allah. Don't expose yourself to others.

The only place where you are free to share your secrets without the intervention of anybody is in Sujood (prostration) in front of Allah. Allah is the best Keeper of secrets. He cover up sins and wipe them away. He knows you more than you know yourself. So go to Him alone and seek His forgiveness.

The last 10 days of Ramaḍān is almost here. Maximize the opportunity to seek Allah's forgiveness and beg for His mercy.

The scary thing about the sin is that you can die while doing it. And you'll be resurrected with what you died upon. Allah's aid is sought. 

The best time to repent is NOW. Make it sincere. Move away from bad people. Leave the bad society (if you can). Strive to keep good companions; those that will increase you in doing good and forbid you from evil. 

Beware of falling into major or minor shirk. Beware and don't mingle with the people of innovations. Start learning about the Deen as you are in the best position to do that. Don't give room for procrastination so you won't regret on the day of resurrection. 

May Allah grant us Jannatul-Firdaus.
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