🌴Praise be to Allah Almighty
              *The Boy Who*
       *Tried to Escape Death..9*

Ahmad stares to the ground and continues to cross the road Shaytan senses the presence of death and rushes towards his enemy, Ahmad.

“Look at the woman Ahmad! She is beautiful! Look at her to get rid of your satisfaction..!” Shaytan whispers into his ear.

Suddenly a truck several yards from the group automatically looses control. A loud screech is heard from the group as they turn around and spot the truck skidding towards them! Ahmad sees that the pious Muslim elderly Sister is in the line of collision! He drops the bags and rushes towards the Sister.

“By Allah, if I am going to do something for Allah, I will save this Muslim Sister to make Allah happy..!” Ahmad says to himself as he rushes to her and pushes her out the way. In those moments the truck smacks into Mo and the girl he is with knocking them flying into the air. Next in line is Ahmad. Ahmad manages to push the elderly Sister out of the way but is caught up in the collision. Within seconds all three teenagers are lying in pools of blood.

“Oh Allah I am scared I don’t want to die like this I did not even do my full five prayers yet I did not fast…” Ahmad slowly says as tears roll down his face. Blood pours from the side of his body and skull.

The collision made enough sound for people to rush out of their homes. Even the Imam of the local Masjid came rushing out. The Sheik spotted Ahmad in the distance and ran towards him as fast as he could.

“Ahmad!” The Imam calls out as he rushes towards him taking hold of his bloodied hand.

“Pronounce Shahada!” The Imam calls out.

Suddenly a strange cold breeze is felt by Ahmad. In confusion he looks up and what he sees is something he could have never imagined in his life.

Two groups of astonishing angels begin descending from the sky. One group shining like the sun. Wings spreading as far as the eyes can see. A radiating beauty spreading from their faces and bodies, with comforting arms stretching forth. The other group on the other hand, have faces and bodies dark and terrifying, faces of extreme horror. Sounds of thunder bursting from their mouths carrying tools of torture within their hands.

” Lah He Lah Ha Ilallah!” Ahmad begins to call out.

The Imam smiles, tears rolling down his face. He spots sweat appear upon Ahmad’s forehead. The Imam knew that one who dies with sweat upon the brow is a good sign.

To be continued... In shaa Allah
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