‘We used to say while the Messenger of Allaah -
sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- was alive: ‘The best of
the Ummah of the Prophet after the Prophet is Abu
Bakr, then Umar, then Uthmaan –Radi Allaahu anhum
[Collected by Abu Dawood, Ibn Abi Aassim in ‘as-
Sunnah’ & Abdullaah bin Ahmad in ‘as-Sunnah’,
Albaani said it’s Isnad is Saheeh]
l – From Ibn Umar –Radi Allaahu anhu– who said:
‘During the time of the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa
sallam- we would not equate anyone along with Abu
Bakr, then Umar, then Uthmaan then we would leave
the Companions of the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa
sallam- and not choose a preference between them.’
[Collected by Bukhari]
m – From Shaafi’ee who said:
‘The Companions and their followers are gathered
upon the excellence and precedence of Abu Bakr,
then Umar, then Uthmaan, then Ali.’
[‘al-Itiqaad’ by Bayhaqi]
n – Imam Dhahabi said:
‘The scholars of the Sunnah are agreed that the best
of the Companions are the ten who had been
testified with entering Paradise. The best of those
ten were Abu Bakr, then Umar bin al-Khattab, then
Uthmaan bin ‘Affan, then Ali bin Abi Taalib –Radi
Allaahu anhum ajmaeen– and no one doubts that
except an innovator, a hypocrite, or a filthy person.’
[‘al-Kabair’ by Dhahabi]
[Taken from the book: ‘The Life of the Greatest Man
After the Prophets & Messengers: Abu Bakr as-
Siddeeq’ p.110 – 113]

Muslim Islam Z Alhassan

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