☀️ حديث الصباح ☀️
📢 متى تبدأ تكبيرات العيد ومتى تنتهي ؟ 📢
عن جابر بن عبد الله رضي الله عنه قال:
"كانَ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلّم يكبرُ يومَ عرفةَ منْ صلاةِ الغداةِ (الفجر) إلى صلاةِ العصرِ آخرَ أيامِ التشريق."
رواه الدارقطني.
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☀ Hadeth of the day ☀
📢 When does Takbeer start and finish? 📢
Jaber Bin Abd Allah reported that:
"the prophet (PBUH) used to chant Takbeer from Al Fajr prayer of Arafa day till Al Asr prayer of the fourth day of the Tashreeq."
Narrated by Al Darkutny.
1. Takbeer is chanting:
"Allah is the greatest (3 times). There is no god but Allah. Allah is the greatest (2 times) and to Allah belongs all praise."
2. The days of Tashreeq are the three days that succeed the day of Eid Al Adha, the 10th day of the Islamic month Thulhijjah.
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